qxdotnet is a server side ASP.NET wrapper for qooxdoo library
Make robots for MediaWiki-powered sites!
General-Purpose PDF Library for Java and .NET
CoAP library in C#
New e-mail information
Um WebServer, gerenciador para Apache com PHP, MySQL e Phpmyadmin.
O navegador de internet que preza pela sua segurança.
Migrated to github https://github.com/ngeor/w3c-nant
A continuation of Novell Moonlight
Ferramenta que simplifica a tarefa de colocar legenda em seus vídeos
FCKeditor (retired)
Unique Internet searching widget for your Website
Scot library for HTML5 browser prorgramming using C# and VB.NET
A .NET Twitter Library
WebSocket Library for .NET4.5
Browser futurístico
FTP client class library.
TumblOne is a Tumblr Blog Image Crawler