A rewrite of Tachiyomi for the Desktop
Web server for Lad
Simple http server in Rust (Windows/Mac/Linux)
Termux X11 add-on application
Get free HTTPS certificates forever from Let's Encrypt
Infinitely transfer between every device over pure HTTP with pipes
Send webhooks from Laravel apps
aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility
High performance proxy server implemented by golang
HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx
An ASGI web server, for Python
An extensible request/response workbench
Clojure HTTP server/client library with WebSocket support
Powerful, enterprise-ready, open source web server w/ automatic HTTPS
Rust HTTP types
The Streaming-first HTTP server/module of Akka
A composable API for making HTTP requests in Dart
A powerful server and network library, including coroutine
Executing shell commands via HTTP server
Fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library
mitmproxy implemented with golang
WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications
Implementation of PSR-17 (HTTP Message Factories)
HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP Tunnels to localhost using only SSH
HTTP/TCP reverse tunnel solution through SSH remote port forwarding