Homebridge Raspberry Pi Image based on Raspberry Pi OS Lite
HomeKit support for the impatient
MQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino
Concourse is a container-based continuous thing-doer written in Go
TOISWITCH is a general-Purpose smart-home server for ESP8266
Hogar + PIC18F4550 + ENC28J60 + Internet de Todo + automatizacion
Open Source for Internet of Things
SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from an Arduino Yún
Arduino IDE sketch for ESP8266 modules
Automated Irrigation Controller for computers
Decoding Extended NEC Protocol using PIC18F4550 and TSOP1738
java based cmd tool to connect different smarthome plattforms
Refrigerator control by Arduino Pro Mini
Use your arduino to control remote controlled sockets by SMJ.
Open Source PLC based on the arduino platform