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DUPS can be used to present any set of images depicting a chronological sequence. It creates a set of HTML pages acting as a browser based picture/pdf viewer. The emphasis lies on displaying two pictures side by side enabling the user to compare them.
A Java-based tool for creating, designing and distributing graphical trees that represent syntactic construction of sentences. Useful for drawing trees under X-bar generative theory or any other correlated application.
Web Based application to manage library materials and material borrowers. Includes a web search engine to find and reserve items by borrower ID. Painless installation, very extensible and has an intuitive U.I. Runs on MySQL. A great tool for any libr
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
Woofy is a pretty neat webcomic downloader, designed for simplicity and ease of use. Its purpose is to help you download and keep an archive of your favorite online comics, while not getting too much in your way.
DoubleType is a type designer (font editor) that builds TrueType font files. Thanks to Java, it runs on Windows, Linux, & Mac. Glyphs are stored in XML based file to aid teamwork. Efficient glyph design by combining existing glyphs and modules.
netPaint - paint with your friends or co-workers over the Internet. Share your ideas, work together, or simply have fun! And you don't have to install any server - just download and run.
RawCA calculates lens chromatic aberration from a camera raw file. It works by searching for the largest correlation coefficient of different channels while resizing (stretch/shrink) the channels.
An application to take an image file (jpeg, bmp, etc) and convert it to an array of values suitable for including in source code. Source code is in C++ and developed under MS VS2008 and Emacs. Runs as a GUI app in Windows and a command-line app for *NIX.
Turn Your Content into Interactive Magic - For Free
From Canva to Slides, Desmos to YouTube, Lumio works with the tech tools you are already using.
Transform anything you share into an engaging digital experience - for free. Instantly convert your PDFs, slides, and files into dynamic, interactive sessions with built-in collaboration tools, activities, and real-time assessment. From teaching to training to team building, make every presentation unforgettable. Used by millions for education, business, and professional development.
A tool which allows you to download all erotic images and videos hosted on popular image hosting sites tagged with a given tag without clicking you through the web interface. ,,java bayimg yourtag'' is enought.
UberPaint (formerly 4P) is a pixel pushing paint program heavily based on Electronic Arts' "Deluxe Paint". It tries to replicate the behaviors and functionality of DPaint 2, while adding support for more file formats and modern computer OSes.
geWiz X1L was a masters degree project to explore development of a baseline architecture for a game engine in C++. It contains a variety of ideas, but nothing that was fully finished. Not compilable; use only as a resource to learn how not to do things.
Gimp User Filter is a plugin for The Gimp (, originally written by Jens Restemeier back in 1997. This project is about maintaining the plugin, keeping it compatible with current versions of Gimp, and eventually extending its features
This is desktop management tool for MiniShowcase gallery ( Uses php soap server file (NuSoap required: use NuSOAP/0.7.2 (1.94).Minimanage may not work with older or newer versions.
Fixpoint is a presentation software written in Scheme (Gauche), using Gdk and Pango for drawing. Slides can be prepared in a plain text file (Wiki-like markup and/or SXML), mixed with Scheme expressions.
A PHP-Ajax web images gallery. Just upload your images to the server and configure a simple xml file. Features: auto thumbnails, image resize, auto play, tooltips with image descriptions, configurable colors...
KMagickResize is a script which allows you to resize many pictures with only few button clicks. You can resize every image exactly as you want. It co-operates with any image browser with external tools support (such as GwenView).
DuMP3 is a duplicate and similar file finder. It finds exact duplicate binaries by hash, similar text files by substring content, images (JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, etc) by color and audio files (MP3, WAV, OGG, etc) by wave data. Future: fonts, video.
ShareMedia is a photo manager (support for video and music is planned). Includes metadata editing, 3D viewing, automatic file ordering and sharing with your friends using the Jabber IM protocol or Picasa Web.
Creates cached high quality images for high quality hardcopies. The dimensions of the image are only modified with html options. The binary image file keep the original dimensions for hq printouts. Additionally you can add a frame and legend (with your own font) to your images. The legend may look hackly on the screen layout but is superior on printer media.
First public version was 20070517.
This program uses PHP (5.x.y) as scripting language, as template engine 'Smarty' (2.6.x...