The open source mesh processing system
A modern library for 3D data processing
The cross-platform open-source app built for handwriting
Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library with many widgets
Screen, webcam and sketchboard recorder with an integrated editor
Golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
Real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, and more
Efficient glTF 3D import / export package for Unity
3D and 2D game engine written in Rust
An endless drawing canvas desktop app made with Tauri (Rust) and React
A tool to simulate Amazon EC2 instance metadata
A free, high-quality, and portable font engine
Scan documents to PDF and other file types, as simply as possible.
Open and edit the archive files used in over 4200 games.
Automated screen capture utility
LCARS User Interface for Windows 10/11- Ver. 3.0 (Updated:3-10-23)
YUVviewer is a small tool for developers to preview raw image formats.
JavaScript-Based Molecular Viewer From Jmol
very good CAD software
TTFviewer is a small tool for developers to preview ttf font/icon file
View Sixel images in Windows, and Sixel image repository
The Investor's Clock shows the time in different time zones.
View all locally available images from Microsoft / Windows Spotlight.
Various small and useful command-line utilities