Digital image processing programs for Windows and Linux systems.
The working version of Sodipodi for Windows 7 and 10.
Free and open source spotify player overlay for streamers
Provides remote video recording with zoom control
Geostatistics and geosciences modeling software
SlideSorter sorts images and videos, and presents them in a slideshow
iOS and OS X animation library for physics-based interactions
Creates 3D models from photographs
Extended emulation of metalic gear toy, creates curved line designs.
It's a image viewer for a windows
Calyp is an open-source raw video player for image/video analysis
A tool that uses OpenCL to procedurally generate 3D models
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
A lightweight, cross-platform image manager
Explores color gradients with framebuffer graphics
Aplikasi Gratis Editor Gambar Sederhana
Bild- und Video-Datenbank für ambitionierte Fotografen
Tag FLAC ,Vorbis, Lyrics, WMA, Wavpack, ID3 Tags in a Smarter Way.