CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials
Extract internal monitoring data from application logs
A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities
Generate documentation from Terraform modules in various formats
JSON diff and patch
Go (golang) library for reading and writing XLSX files
Container Image Linter for Security
Automate Kubernetes Configuration Editing
AWS SDK for the Go programming language
Various packages and tools that support the Go programming language
CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN
Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
Convert Evernote .enex files to Markdown
Select, put and delete data from JSON, TOML, YAML, XML and CSV files
A tool that facilitates building OCI images
Simple bookmark manager built with Go
Self-hosted, community-driven, local OpenAI compatible API
(Golang) Go bindings for Discord
Finite State Machine for Go
ChirpStack Gateway Bridge abstracts Packet Forwarder protocols
A collection of useful middleware for Go HTTP services & web appps
Access Log Profiler
A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime
Using Telegram as a stored file chain system