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The application for tracking a mobile devices, similar to google mobile maps but enhanced about many additional new features including a web service where
a user will be able to track registered mobile devices from a web browser.
Geomajas is a web mapping GIS software with full vectorial editing capabilities, and support for custom attribute relation models in the browser. It has built-in support for any type of query, selection, filtering, snapping, printing, ...
Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.
OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
This project is attempting to create an maintain a public implementation of the Active Record pattern, to be used with ESRI products, coded using ArcObjects and C# 3.5.
GISpatialNet is a Java-based tool for mapping network data (nodes and edges between them) to spatial coordinates; reformatting network and spatial data together; and calculating spatial network measures.
Install by saving to c:\ drive and typing the following in a command line:
java -jar c:\GISpatialNet-0.9b.jar
Siafu simulates individual agents and their context, from home to city-wide scenarios. As a developer, you use the API to write your simulation for the purposes of data-set generation, test or visualization, optionally hooking it to your own application.
Singularity is a suite of RFID Middleware to support RFID enabled Supply Chain Management, integration to the enterprise, and EPCglobal. It includes edge services for device management, event filtering, workflow, as well as integration components.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
OSM XML to CSV conversion. POI only, polygons (and polylines, but not recommended) are approximated by centroid. Result is a 3-column table with lon, lat and value (for a particular key to be chosen beforehand).
A web-based system for a comprehensive survey of water utility customers. Cross-platform
application written in PHP. Uses a GIS component based on mapserver to visualize the delivery points.
Autonomous Distributed GIS :: GLOBALBASE / browser COSMOS / server LANDSCAPE :: Browsing graphically seamless the Earth. The world is group of many maps which are in the worldwide distributed server.
MooGraph is an utility to produce interactive dynamical graphs from statistical data. Deliberately inspired to GapMinder, it represents the evolution of multivariate data in time by means of coloured bubbles of variable sizes on an (x,y) plot.
The R-tree Library aims to implement a generic, portable, easy-to-use collection of R-tree variants. Tested to work under Linux and Windows, using GNU, Intel and VC++ compilers, and also implementing many variants already, we are well underway.
GMap, GNOME Map Application Program. A standalone map program allowing you to find directions and browse map data. The map data source is the Open Street Maps
Yet another tool to read and convert GPS logs from Royaltek RGM-3800 and RBT-2300 (using serial communication), from RBT-3000 (using files), from NMEA logs files (comming from AMOD 3080 datalogger for example).
WARNING: rgdal is only available for download from CRAN - this repository no longer used for development. NEVER use the very out of date file bundles for download from this site!!! See
A universal navigation system for most kind of mobile phones, smartphones, portables and laptops for different kind of navigation: car/bicycle/pedestrian navigation, geocaching and maybe more.