A project on topography and weather comparison
33 starts out to gather topographic information to compare different locations on key measures like Height Above Sea Level, Geographical Latitude, Aspect (ST_Aspect), Slope (ST_Slope), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI, ST_TRI/ST_Roughness), Topographic Position Index (TPI, ST_TPI), or Hill Shade (ST_HillShade). Ultimately intended to make a comparing decision on suitability for agriculture. We will see how far we get or if we surpass it even, e.g with weather data and more.
Why 33 as the name? Even though the answers we could get from the project might be very important, they won't be "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", so not quite 42. But why exactly 33? Well, the founder had a project given up project of self-sustainability at house number 33. As the bounds of the topic of this project now is not quite clear or well defined, it is sort of a sentimental reference to the older project. And why a Spanish Unixname? Always English is boring.