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MooGraph is an utility to produce interactive dynamical graphs from statistical data. Deliberately inspired to GapMinder, it represents the evolution of multivariate data in time by means of coloured bubbles of variable sizes on an (x,y) plot.
A web-based system for a comprehensive survey of water utility customers. Cross-platform
application written in PHP. Uses a GIS component based on mapserver to visualize the delivery points.
CommonMap is an open source map project, forked from OpenStreetMap by a licence problem. CommonMap needs original softwares tuned for CommonMap. Most of software would be useful for any other open source map projects, too.
Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.
Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.
Cliente de web mapping, basado en GeoClient y desarrollado en EcmaScript/JavaScript sobre SVG, que permite consumir servicios OGC/WFS para publicacion de Información Geográfica utilizando graficos vectoriales.
A Java application/library that can generate PNG tile overlay images for Google Maps from multiple data sources. Inactive because there are better alternatives: Java - PHP -
A web-based system to register the advertisement panels on the roads. Cross-platform application written in PHP. Uses a GIS component based on mapserver to visualize the panel locations.
Important information!!! The Mapbender project moved under the roof of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation at All downloads and information are linked from the project site at
Total Network Visibility for Network Engineers and IT Managers
Network monitoring and troubleshooting is hard. TotalView makes it easy.
This means every device on your network, and every interface on every device is automatically analyzed for performance, errors, QoS, and configuration.
Musmap is a web interface to UMN mapserver. It provides users and profiles management, advanced queries and selections, automatic decodification of columns with joins, easy-to-use configuration (colors, ...)... and so on.
OSIOSS (Open Source Integrated Observing System Software) is a collection of code which can be used for geospatial observing systems merging data collection, management and products solutions with ocean observing systems (OOS) as an initial focus.