3D game engine/framework in C, with Luajit and Python bindings now
Alt+Tab Replacement
Real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR
Desktop application to play the classic Snakes and Ladders game.
A free 3d game for PC that does not limit the player. Fight,Build,Gain
A Button replacement for Alt+Tab in EQ
3D slider puzzles for kids; helps teach solid geometry
Easily create custom key bind files for "City of Heroes: Homecoming"
Speaking Air Traffic Controller Simulator for Flightgear
Add and Subtract game
Automatic price checking script for Path of Exile
A simple tool for turning windowed video games into fullscreen apps
Snake - classic!
When entering a game it freezes - prevents you from logging off
Phần Mềm Tính Tiền Karaoke
JavaScript library to generate GW2 ToolTips based on official Wiki
An adaptive skirmish AI for Warzone 2100.
Open-source 3D RTS game inspired by the Dungeon Keeper series
Free-roaming 3D racing game featuring advanced terrain rendering
Wireless computer game controller for people with low arm mobility.
Put Screen picture into C:/Nexon/Maplestory for !autorb
An simple assist tool for managing Ultima Online Items