Adds Discord Functionality to Lands.
The ultimate cataloguer
Retro style, multi-platform soccer game
Connect any joysticks to your PC. Easy, Fast and Free forever.
X3D is the open-standard format for 3D graphics scenes on the Web.
Ücretsiz SonOyuncu makro. Ban riski yok. 15+ CPS garantili. Türkçe.
JASI - Java Event-Based Simulation Framework
A toolbox for Sid Meier's Civilization
Multiplayer Java rewrite of Simtex's classic game Master of Magic
Allows to create, save, load or replay bridge hands.
Ücretsiz SonOyuncu macrosu, minimum 15CPS garantili.
Free game hacks for nearly all languages. Auto clicker, macro etc.
Java Schach Turnierverwaltung / Java Chess Tournament Management
Program for tournament management.
Elo Calculator - strictly implemented FIDE Rating Regulations