Showing 33 open source projects for "qt static windows"

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  • PRTG Network Monitor | Making the lives of sysadmins easier Icon
    PRTG Network Monitor | Making the lives of sysadmins easier

    Stay ahead of IT infrastructure issues

    PRTG Network Monitor is an all-inclusive monitoring software solution developed by Paessler. Equipped with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface with a cutting-edge monitoring engine, PRTG Network Monitor optimizes connections and workloads as well as reduces operational costs by avoiding outages while saving time and controlling service level agreements (SLAs). The solution is packed with specialized monitoring features that include flexible alerting, cluster failover solution, distributed monitoring, in-depth reporting, maps and dashboards, and more.
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  • Automated RMM Tools | RMM Software Icon
    Automated RMM Tools | RMM Software

    Proactively monitor, manage, and support client networks with ConnectWise Automate

    Out-of-the-box scripts. Around-the-clock monitoring. Unmatched automation capabilities. Start doing more with less and exceed service delivery expectations.
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  • 1


    The React Framework

    Next.js is the React framework for lightweight apps, static websites, pre-rendered apps and more. It solves the most common problems associated with building a complete web application with React, such as those involving code bundling and transforming, production automizations, page rendering and having to write server-side code. Next.js offers a best in class “Developer Experience” through such capabilities as pre-rendering, single command static exporting, automatic code-splitting, hot code...
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  • 2


    The Intuitive Vue Framework

    Nuxt.js is an open source web development framework for creating Vue.js applications. Nuxt.js is designed to make the process of web development simple and powerful with its modular architecture that lets you choose from over 50 modules. It utilizes Vue.js and Node.js best practices to ensure that your applications are fully-optimized out of the box. Nuxt.js is also continuously being developed with the Developer Experience in mind, so you can expect it to only become better and better, with...
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  • 3


    DC-SDK is based on the open source project Cesium for development

    DC-SDK is based on the open-source project Cesium for the second development of two three-dimensional WebGis application frameworks, the framework optimizes the use of Cesium and adds some additional features, designed for developers to quickly build WebGis applications. Installing with NPM or YARN is recommended and it works seamlessly with webpack. Since the DC framework sets CESIUM_BASE_URL to ./libs/dc-sdk/resources/, you need to copy Cesium-related static resources files: Assets, Workers...
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  • 4
    Bootstrap Native

    Bootstrap Native

    If you are looking for Bootstrap without jQuery, this is it.

    The lighter and more compact set of JavaScript components for Bootstrap is sourced with a modern ES6+ codebase and strong TypeScript definitions. At about half the size of the original and around 12kb gZipped, this library does most of Bootstrap & Popper combined. We launched the project back in 2015 with the goal of debunking the "write less do more" myth, meanwhile the Bootstrap developers themselves have decided to drop jQuery, however, we decided to keep maintaining the project for its...
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  • With Boozang, you can write tests, debug visually, perform root cause analysis and automate your CI builds. Icon
    With Boozang, you can write tests, debug visually, perform root cause analysis and automate your CI builds.

    Empower your whole team to build and maintain automated tests, not just developers.

    Our natural-language tests are extremely stable to code changes. When tests break our AI will repair it in minutes.
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    The application worker driven frontend framework

    neo.mjs is the next-generation UI framework for creating desktop & mobile Web Apps. It has a very strong focus on performance and creating scalable & modular architectures. A clean & consistent API, as well as the ability to run without any build processes, will increase the productivity of your team while creating better solutions at the same time. While current libraries/frameworks like Angular, React or Vue provide reasonable performance for small or mostly static Apps, they lack when...
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    Front end cross-frameworks framework

    Omi (pronounced /ˈomɪ/) is cross-frameworks framework base on Web Component, you can also use omio compatible IE8+ with the same grammar. One framework, Mobile & desktop & mini program. Simply download and include with <script>. Omi will be registered as a global variable. If you need to be compatible with IE8+, you can choose omio, which has almost the same API as omi, and Omi will be registered as a global variable. Omi provides the official CLI. You don't need to learn how to configure...
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    Framework detection utility

    Framework detection utility

    Framework detection utility

    Detects which framework a specific website is using. The framework's build/dev commands, directories and server port are also returned. Static site generators: Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Next.js, Nuxt, Hexo, Gridsome, Docusaurus, Eleventy, Middleman, Phenomic, React-static, Stencil, Vuepress, Assemble, DocPad, Harp, Metalsmith, Roots, Wintersmith. Front-end frameworks: create-react-app, Vue, Sapper, Angular, Ember, Svelte, Expo, Quasar. Build tools: Parcel, Brunch, Grunt, Gulp.
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    pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7Builder)❤️

    pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7Builder)❤️

    🚀 Professional Social Dating Web App Builder (formerly pH7CMS)

    pH7Builder is a Professional, Free & Open Source PHP Social Dating Builder Software (primarily designed for developers ...). This Social Dating Web App is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is low resource-intensive, extremely powerful and highly secure. pH7Builder is included with over 42 native modules and is based on its homemade pH7 Framework which includes more than 52 packages To summarize, pH7Builder Social Dating Script...
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  • 9
    Total.js framework

    Total.js framework

    Total.js framework is a framework for Node.js platfrom written in pure JavaScript similar to PHP's Laravel or Python's Django or ASP.NET MVC. It can be used as web, desktop, service or IoT application. Total.js Platform offers you an excellent and stable server-side Node.js framework, client-side library for creating famous web applications with more than 250 UI components for free. The main parts of the Total.js Platform are fully open-source under MIT license. We offer excellent online...
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  • Enable access to virtual apps and desktops without device or browser restrictions. Icon
    Enable access to virtual apps and desktops without device or browser restrictions.

    For IT Professionals and Application Developers

    Parallels® RAS (remote application server) is a flexible virtual application and desktop delivery solution that empowers organizations of all sizes to work securely from anywhere, on any device.
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  • 10
    TypeScript Koa Starter

    TypeScript Koa Starter

    TypeScript Koa Starter

    Koa with TypeScript's application generator. Creates a new typescript koa application. application is configured to use TypeScript instead of plain JavaScript. Node Js is great for the rapid development of web-projects, but is often neglected because of the lack of type safety. TypeScript solves this issue and (along with its linter file) can even make your code more robust than some other static languages like Java.
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    A data visualization framework combining React & D3

    Semiotic is a data visualization framework combining React & D3. It provides three types of frames XYFrame, OrdinalFrame, NetworkFrame, to deploy a wide variety of charts. XY data i.e. line charts and scatterplots. Categorical data i.e. bar charts, violin plots, parallel coordinates. Topological and network data i.e. flow diagrams, network visualization, and hierarchical views. A guide for creating a line chart, timeseries, difference line, and line percents using XYFrame along with hover...
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  • 12
    The GUIDOLib provides a powerful engine for the graphic rendering of music scores, based on the Guido Music Notation format. It supports Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Android and iOS operating systems. A Java JNI interface is available as well as a Javascript version of the library. A Web API has also been designed, allowing to deploy the engine as a Web service.
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  • 13


    React-router middleware for koa 2

    koa 2 middleware for React server-side rendering and routing with react-router 5.
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    React Boilerplate

    React Boilerplate

    A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best DX

    React Boilerplate is a highly scalable, offline-first foundation for React.js applications. It offers the best developer experience with a focus on performance and best practices. React Boilerplate offers predictable state management so you can take control of your app’s state and keep state mutations manageable. It also features next generation JavaScript, so you can stop worrying about browser support or use features like arrow functions, JSX syntax and more. There’s also support for...
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  • 15


    Kaon.js is a react isomorphic app solution

    Kaon.js is an react isomorphic app solution. it contains webpack build, hot reloading, code splitting and server-side rendering. Kaon is a Decepticon-controlled city-state in the southern hemisphere of Cybertron. Under Decepticon rule, its capitol is the fortress of Kolkular. Config is a js file that default exported a Javascript object, it specified a lot ot configurations. The default path is <project_root>/config/kaon.config.js. But you can put it into anywhere of your project.
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    The open source grid computing solution

    JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid.
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    Koa2 RESTful API

    Koa2 RESTful API

    RESTful API Server

    ..., with instructions for each plug-in. Syntax checking with ESlint. Therefore, the scaffolding mainly provides RESTful API, so the front-end static resource processing is not considered for the time being, and only the basic method of static resource access is provided to facilitate access to resources such as pictures uploaded by users to the server. The basic directory structure is consistent with vue-cli and can be used with front-end frameworks such as React, AngularJS, and Vue.js.
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  • 18


    Build virtual reality experiences with A-Frame and React

    Build virtual reality experiences with A-Frame and React. A-Frame is a web framework for building virtual reality experiences. Since A-Frame is built on top of the DOM, web libraries such as React, Vue.js, Angular, Ember.js, d3.js are able to sit cleanly on top of A-Frame. I recommend using vanilla A-Frame and aframe-state-component with static templating over aframe-react. React wastes a lot of cycles and incurs a lot of memory garbage. aframe-react is often abused where it is too easy...
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  • 19


    Object-oriented programming framework for Javascript

    ** Moved to GitHub **
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    Kickstart is a CSS library designed for modularity and fast page

    ... components in Kickstart require only one mixin to bring markup to life. For users preferring a static CSS file, simple CSS classes are available to quickly write up components. The Kickstart documentation can be toggled between static- and mixin-usage. Kickstart has a lot of components, but it's also extendible.
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    Dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript

    ... your jobs. Public, static files that you want to serve. A good place for a favicon or a custom 404 page. Widgets, all the html/css/coffee for individual widgets. Widgets use batman bindings in order to update their contents. Whenever the data changes, the DOM will automatically reflect the changes. Dashing uses gridster.js to create a layout for your widgets. Each widget is part of an unordered list.
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    Wave Framework

    Wave Framework

    Open Source API-centric PHP Micro-framework

    Wave is a PHP micro-framework that is built loosely following model-view-control architecture and factory method design pattern. It is made for web services, websites and info-systems and is built to support a native API architecture, caching, user control and smart resource management. Wave is a compact framework that does not include bloated libraries and features and is developed keeping lightweight speed and optimizations in mind. While not necessary for using Wave Framework, it comes by...
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    Native Java-like Script for Modern Browsers

    OopJs provides a set of functions for developing javascript applications using a class-based structure. This framework allows you to add properties and methods to the class itself (static), instances of a class (public), and even the package it resides in (internal). Supported by most modern browsers.
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    UI components for apache wicket

    The „wicket components“ project is a component library for the apache wicket web-framework. Referring to classic component libraries for desktop applications ( like Microsoft Foundation Classes, QT Library or wxWindows) the wicket components provide graphical user interface components for wicket web-applications. Based upon this library it'll be easy to create complex user interfaces for data processing applications and it is a perfect start to migrate old desktop applications to modern web...
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    A Framework written with C++ and Qt for developing full featured websites with either C++ or XHTML/Javascript/CSS only.
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