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The Spring Bean Repository project aims to store Spring bean definitions into a central repository hosted on a web server, and to access them using the Eclipse IDE.
Contextor is a light-weight simple-to-use Java based library to help developers and researchers working with the general concept of a resource; as examples, resources can be text resources, web resources, images and videos.
The Wicket Stuff project makes third party components available using the Wicket web component framework. Subprojects of this project contain integrations for Spring, Groovy, Hibernate, Velocity and other popular Java open source projects.
Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.
Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
FGen is a framework for Flex application. This Framework provides code generation by DSL. This framework aims labor saving and liberation from tedious coding and testing.
RedRoo implements a framework for defining and executing hierarchical state machines. As a Red Kangaroo jumps from place to place, RedRoo will transition your application from state to state feeding on the events you pass to it. So get jumping!
Glue Stick dependency injection framework is used for assembling and configuring Java applications from external bean definition and configuration files. There are several supported bean definition file formats, such as Groovy, JSON and Spring XML.
A comprehensive business framework to enable sophisticated enterprise workflows. Define, simulate and deploy cross-platform workflows while being able to enrich and customize the core services on demand.
Vroom App Server is a Java Web Application provides ability to Develop and Manage Web Applications based on Reusable Components. The components can be Web Pages, Web Parts, Data Connections, EJBs, Web Services etc. It's all run-time, based on Groovy.
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
This framework provides the easiest way to build cross platform installers based on Java technologies. Due to its extensible architecture, it can be easily adjusted to fit your needs and allows nice UI interfaces implemented with Groovy or JavaFX.
This project is a java web application developer toolbox. It is among other, a simple and powerful framework which does not require dealing with XML files. It also provides a lot of other features, such as a DB abstraction layer, a nice javadoc doclet, a
A J2EE Web Dev Framework, Struts style MVC, Event Driven like JSF and Ajax-enabled Client Scripting like YUI, Fine grained event binding, access to server variables in JavaScript & Webpages, Easy integration with Struts, No custom tags & No complex API.
The Amplify MDA project is aimed at delivering a 'model-to-text' generator tool with real-world applicability in less than 1000 lines of Java/Groovy code.
Combean is a Java framework for mathematical structures and optimization algorithms. Through a set of Java interfaces and JavaBeans-based config, Combean glues optimization codes together - leading to more interoperable, adaptable and flexible solutions.
A framework for creating service-oriented representations of common websites, using them to create composite services, and providing AJAX methods to "mash-up" these services.
A small library that provides a powerful and container-less Dependency-Injection mechanism, via AspectJ and Groovy. If you are tired of reams of XML configuration files, managing complex factories and containers, this non-API solution may appeal to you.
The bd-Container is an Java implementation of OSGi framework which is an simple (well not so simple :) ) non-remote component container spec. With a little difference. Groovy is used in components to make component substitution more dynamic.
Web application providing analysis of biomedical relationships.
Web application providing analysis of biomedical relationships. Built using the Grails web application framework (http://grails.org/) with MySQL (http://www.mysql.com/) as a back-end datastore and utilizing R (http://www.r-project.org/) for statistical analysis.
Developed by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (http://compbio.dfci.harvard.edu/) and Entagen (http://www.entagen.com).