Frameworks for Cygwin

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    Pacthed namedtuple for field defaults.

    The namedtupledefs is a patched release of the standard collection.namedtuple with added support of default values for field. In addition a method _merge is supported for the combination of named tuples. For Python2 see namedtupledefs2.
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    Pacthed namedtuple for field defaults.

    The namedtupledefs is a patched release of the standard collection.namedtuple with added support of default values for field. In addition a method _merge is supported for the combination of named tuples. For Python3 see namedtupledefs3 or namedtupledefs
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    Pacthed namedtuple for field defaults.

    The namedtupledefs is a patched release of the standard collection.namedtuple with added support of default values for field. In addition a method _merge is supported for the combination of named tuples. For Python2 see namedtupledefs2.
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    Framework for bash 4

    oo-style framework for bash 4. It provides tools for rapid script development and huge libraries. Written in bash. Source and use...
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    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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    OS and Distribution Release Enumeration

    The ‘platformids‘ package provides the categorization and enumeration of OS platforms and distributions. This enables the development of portable generic code for arbitrary platforms in IT and IoT landscapes consisting of heterogeneous physical and virtual runtime environments. The introduced hierarchical bitmask vectors enable for fast and efficient platform specific code and data selection for OS and distributions with routines for specific platform releases. The supported version numbering comprise various release schemes such as classical version numbers with variable segments and optional release names, * AlpineLinux-3.8.1 * CentOS-6.10 * Debian-9.6 * Fedora31 * OS-X-10.6.8 * Ubuntu-18.04 * armbian-5.76 * cygwin-2.9.0 * opensuse-15.1 * raspbian-9.4 * slackware-14.2 * solaris-11.3 variations of numbering schemes and continous deployment * CentOS-7.6-1810 * NT-6.3.9600 * archlinux-2018.12.01 * kali-linux-2019.1 * NT-10.0.1809
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    Enumeration of Python implementations and releases

    The ‘pythonids‘ package provides the enumeration of Python syntaxes and the categorization of Python implementations. This enables the development of fast and easy portable generic code for arbitrary platforms in IT and IoT landscapes consisting of heterogeneous physical and virtual runtime environments. The current supported syntaxes are Python2.7+ and Python3 for the Python implementations: CPython IPython (based on CPython) IronPython Jython PyPy
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    rayGina is a C++ operating-system independent raytracing library, which provides interfaces to extend the raytracing process while runtime and represents a framework for raytracing experiments/development of different components
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    Provides Java and integrated Jython/Pyhon + Java builds

    The ‘setupjavax‘ package provides extension modules for the build of Java and Jython packages. The current release supports the following commands, additional are coming soon: - build_java - Java build and packaging for Python. Supports Java packaging for Python projects, adds native Java modules for Jython. - build_jy - Integrated Python and Java builds for Jython. Supports combined Java and Python / Jython packaging. Calls build_py and build_java.
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    Support of unit tests on multiple platforms and implementations.

    The 'setuptestx' supports a common call interface for the major implementations and releases of Python on various operating systems and their variants of distributions. The current provided implementations are: - CPython, IPython, PyPY : Python2.7, and Python3.5+ - IronPython, Jython : Python2.7 For the OS see *Tested Platforms* in the manuals.
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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    Smart eye is a C++ API for computer vision that aim to provide real-time ET technology communicating with computer HCI systems.
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    C++ Plugin Framework integrated with Python.

    x3py is designed as a plugin-framework that uses C++ and STL. This framework can integrate with languages including Python by using SWIG.
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    Apache Cayenne, Wicket, CXF, GWT, EJB examples as a framework

    Yet another (different) framework. Examples around Apache Cayenne. Using different technologies like Apache CXF Google Web Toolkit EJB Apache Wicket Eclipse RCP Java ANSI C Perl Python Bash WE MOVED TO GITHUB.COM !! All sources are now in git on - search for yafra project. Thanks for the very good service in the past - but now it was time to move on!
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    Lower-Layer unified data - JSON, XML, YAML + INI, CFG, properties

    The yapydata - Yet Another Python Data - provides a unified interface for the access to various data syntaxes. Therefore it encapsulates the libraries by offering a common API with the canonical internal data as JSON compatible Python in-memory structure. The application is foreseen in particular for the lower layer of the software stack including setup-tools. Thus it uses standard libraries only whenever possible. The initial supported DDLs are: * JSON, XML, YAML and the formats * INI, CFG, .properties The yapydata in particular supports the advanced access to data entries by mapping the dotted-OID notation onto mixed in-memory data types, optional including non-conformant tyeps such as tuple and set.
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    Utilities for platform indepentent low-level system APIs.

    The 'yapyutils' - Yet Another Python Utils - package provides miscellaneous *Python* utilities for the adaptation of platform independent APIs of the low-level part of the software stack. These are e.g. used for extensions of the *setuptools* and *distutils*, thus reduce the package dependency and avoid circular dependencies whenever possible by using standard packages and classes only. The more complex and complete data packages are provided for higher application layer functionality. The current release contains: * *yapyutils.modules* A utility to locate and load modules by a given name and/or file system path name, based on the *sys.path* variable. * *yapyutils.files* Search and location of files, e.g. modules and configuration files. * ** Simple help for command line interfaces. * *yapyutils.config* Configuration file support, in particular for the initial setup of software packages.
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