Showing 842 open source projects for "software test tool"

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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange Icon
    Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange

    A single integrated payables solution that takes manual payment processes out of the equation, helping reduce risk and cutting costs for your business

    Save time, money and your sanity. Deluxe Payment Exchange+ (DPX+) is our integrated payments solution that streamlines and automates your accounts payable (AP) disbursements. DPX+ ensures secure payments and offers suppliers alternate ways to receive funds, including mailed checks, ACH, virtual credit cards, debit cards, or eCheck payments. By simply integrating with your existing accounting software like QuickBooks®, you’ll implement efficient payment solutions for AP with ease—without costly development fees or untimely delays.
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  • 1
    Tekton Pipelines

    Tekton Pipelines

    A cloud-native Pipeline resource

    Tekton is a powerful and flexible open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems, allowing developers to build, test, and deploy across cloud providers and on-premise systems. Get started with Tekton. Tekton standardizes CI/CD tooling and processes across vendors, languages, and deployment environments. It works well with Jenkins, Jenkins X, Skaffold, Knative, and many other popular CI/CD tools. Tekton lets you create CI/CD systems quickly, giving you scalable, serverless, cloud native...
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    Pure Go Redis server for Go unittests

    Sometimes you want to test code which uses Redis, without making it a full-blown integration test. Miniredis implements (parts of) the Redis server, to be used in unittests. It enables a simple, cheap, in-memory, Redis replacement, with a real TCP interface. It saves you from using mock code, and since the redis server lives in the test process you can query for values directly, without going through the server stack. There are no dependencies on external binaries, so you can easily integrate...
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    A microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero 3rd-party dependency

    Drash is a microframework for Deno's HTTP server. Drash is a microframework for Deno's HTTP server. It has zero third-party dependencies outside of Deno Standard Modules. It is designed to help you build performant, scalable projects quickly. Drash is a unique framework. It is not another Express clone. It is more of a mixture of different frameworks with a different take on how "controllers" are written.
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  • 4


    A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C

    Use Nimble to express the expected outcomes of Swift or Objective-C expressions. Inspired by Cedar. Apple's Xcode includes the XCTest framework, which provides assertion macros to test whether code behaves properly. XCTest assertions have a couple of drawbacks. Not enough macros. There's no easy way to assert that a string contains a particular substring, or that a number is less than or equal to another. It's hard to write asynchronous tests. XCTest forces you to write a lot of boilerplate...
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  • The Most Powerful Software Platform for EHSQ and ESG Management Icon
    The Most Powerful Software Platform for EHSQ and ESG Management

    Addresses the needs of small businesses and large global organizations with thousands of users in multiple locations.

    Choose from a complete set of software solutions across EHSQ that address all aspects of top performing Environmental, Health and Safety, and Quality management programs.
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  • 5


    CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN

    CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN. Can output to various formats. CLI tool that can execute SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON and TBLN. It is a tool like q, textql and others. The difference from these tools is that the syntax of PostgreSQL or MySQL can be used. Please refer to godoc and _example for usage as a library. Download binary from the releases page(Linux/Windows/macOS). Pull the latest image from the Docker hub. The filename of -out filename option...
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    A tool for transpiling C to Go

    A tool for converting C to Go. The goals of this project are to create a generic tool that can convert C to Go. To be cross platform (linux and mac) and work against as many clang versions as possible (the clang AST API is not stable). To be a repeatable and predictable tool (rather than doing most of the work and you have to clean up the output to get it working.) To deliver quick and small version increments. The ultimate milestone is to be able to compile the SQLite3 source code and have...
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    Container Image Linter for Security

    .... Or, if you just want the results to display and not let the test fail for this, specify --exit-code to 0 in dockle command.
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    The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts

    This framework takes advantage of the latest PHP 8.2 features and tries to make the speed, scalability and flexibility of use its strength, it will allow you to quickly make simple bots, but at the same time, it provides more advanced features to handle even the most complicated flows. The Telegram bot framework doesn't drive you nuts.
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    Pluggable Ruby translation framework

    Mobility is a gem for storing and retrieving translations as attributes on a class. These translations could be the content of blog posts, captions on images, tags on bookmarks, or anything else you might want to store in different languages. Storage of translations is handled by customizable "backends" which encapsulate different storage strategies. The default way to store translations is to put them all in a set of two shared tables, but many alternatives are also supported, including...
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  • Integrated AI strategy and execution software Icon
    Integrated AI strategy and execution software

    No more tracking data with spreadsheets

    Inspire Software is an AI powered strategic execution platform. It empowers organizations to elevate performance by aligning people, teams, and strategic goals in one streamlined platform. Headquartered in Jackson, Wyoming, Inspire brings together tools for goals, performance tracking, 1:1s, feedback, learning, pulse surveys, and more. This all-in-one solution fosters leadership across every level, helping align team efforts with your organization’s growth strategy for impactful results. With Inspire, you’re not just managing performance—you’re driving growth through leadership. Discover more at
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    An Efficient ProxyPool with Getter, Tester and Server

    Simple and efficient proxy pool, providing the following functions. Regularly crawl free proxy websites, easy and scalable. Use Redis to store brokers and sort broker availability. Regular testing and screening to eliminate unavailable proxies and leave available proxies. Provides a proxy API to randomly select available proxies that pass the test. The principle analysis of the proxy pool can be seen in " How to Build an Efficient Proxy Pool ". It is recommended to read it before using...
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    The easy mocking library for .NET

    A .Net dynamic fake framework for creating all types of fake objects, mocks, stubs etc. Easier semantics, all fake objects are just that, fakes. Usage determines whether they're mocks or stubs. Context-aware fluent interface guides the developer. Easy to use and compatible with both C# and VB.Net. Every faked instance looks and feels like an instance of the faked type. Helpful exception messages identify where a test went wrong. Raising events from faked objects. Explicit assertions, stated...
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    A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries

    NSubstitute is designed for Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) testing, so you just need to arrange how it should work, then assert it received the calls you expected once you're done. Because you've got more important code to write than whether you need a mock or a stub. It is an attempt to satisfy our craving for a mocking library with a succinct syntax that helps us keep the focus on the intention of our tests, rather than on the configuration of our test doubles. We've tried to make the most...
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    swoole, easyswoole, swoole framework

    EasySwoole is a distributed swoole framework with a permanent memory. It is born specifically for API and supports the simultaneous monitoring of HTTP, WebSocket, self-defined TCP, UDP protocol, and has rich components, such as collaboration Connect Pool, TP style co-process ORM, co-process microcredit SDK, co-process Kafka client, co-process ElasticSearch client, co-process Consul client, co-process Redis client, co-process Apollo client, co-process NSQ client, co-process self-definition...
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  • 14
    Jovo Framework

    Jovo Framework

    The React for Voice and Chat, build apps for Alexa, Google Assistant

    The multimodal experience platform enables professional teams to build and run apps that work across smart speakers, the web, mobile, and more. Fully customizable and open source. The Jovo product ecosystem allows you to build, test, and run powerful experiences for voice, chat, and web platforms. From local development to production, Jovo allows you to build robust experiences, faster. Build across devices and platforms and use all supported modalities thanks to the Jovo output template engine...
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    Crash your app in style (Golang)

    Parses panic stack traces, densifies and deduplicates goroutines with similar stack traces. Helps debugging crashes and deadlocks in heavily parallelized processes. Race detector support, e.g. it can parse output produced by go test -race. HTML export. Easy to use as an HTTP Handler middleware. High-performance parsing. HTTP web server that serves a very tight and swell snapshot of your goroutines, much more readable than net/http/pprof. >50% more compact output than original stack dump yet...
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    Django Two-Factor Authentication

    Django Two-Factor Authentication

    Complete Two-Factor Authentication for Django

    ... into problems, please file an issue on GitHub, or contribute to the project by forking the repository and sending some pull requests. The package is translated into English, Dutch and other languages. Please contribute your own language using Transifex. Test drive this app through the example app. It demos most features except the Twilio integration. The example also includes django-user-sessions for providing Django sessions with a foreign key to the user.
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    The Web Platform Framework

    Brisa is an experimental web framework inspired by the others, taking the best of each one. JSX, TS, server/web components, server actions, optimistic updates, SSR, streaming, suspense, signals, WebSockets, middleware, layouts. Brisa is designed to start, build, test, deploy, and run fast. Text translation and routing carry only the translations you consume. 0B by default, 2 kB when you use server actions (RPC size), and 3 kB when you need web components. You can change your web from server...
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    Analyzer Framework for SQL

    ... test suite can be used to validate that query engine implementations are correct and consistent. ZetaSQL implements the GoogleSQL language, which is used across several of Google's SQL products, both publicly and internally, including BigQuery, Spanner, F1, BigTable, Dremel, Procella, and others.
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    Framework for building high quality, interactive API documentation

    Zudoku (pronounced "zoo-doh-koo") is an open-source, highly customizable API documentation framework for building quality developer experiences around OpenAPI and, soon, GraphQL documents.
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    Testing framework for Julia

    ... for running only part of the test suite of a package. For example, if you made a change related to addition, and included "addition" in the description of the corresponding testsets, you can easily run only these tests.
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    Java language binding for writing Appium Tests

    Java language binding for writing Appium Tests conforms to W3C WebDriver Protocol. Since version 8 Appium Java Client had several major changes, which might require to update your client code. Make sure to follow the v7 to v8 Migration Guide in order to streamline the migration process.
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    k3s in docker

    k3s in docker

    Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker

    k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker. k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e.g. for local development on Kubernetes. Note: k3d is a community-driven project but it’s not an official Rancher (SUSE) product. Sponsoring: To spend any significant amount of time improving k3d, we rely on sponsorships. k3d creates containerized k3s clusters. This means, that you can spin up a multi-node k3s...
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    GopherLua: VM and compiler for Lua in Go

    GopherLua is a Lua5.1(+ goto statement in Lua5.2) VM and compiler written in Go. GopherLua has the same goal as Lua: To be a scripting language with extensible semantics. It provides Go APIs that allow you to easily embed a scripting language to your Go host programs. The stack-based API like the one used in the original Lua implementation will cause a performance improvement in GopherLua (It will reduce memory allocations and concrete type <-> interface conversions). GopherLua API is not a...
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  • 24
    gRPC Elixir

    gRPC Elixir

    An Elixir implementation of gRPC

    The Gun library doesn't have a full 2.0 release yet, so we depend on :grcp_gun 2.0.1 for now. This is the same as :gun 2.0.0-rc.2, but Hex doesn't let us depend on RC versions for releases. Generate Elixir code from the proto file as protobuf-elixir shows(especially the gRPC Support section). Implement the server-side code and remember to return the expected message types. You can start the gRPC server as a supervised process. First, add GRPC.Server.Supervisor to your supervision tree.
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    Reusable, generic mixins for Django

    django-braces provides useful Mixins for Django's class-based views. Most of these mixins replicate the behavior of Django's function-based view decorators. Others solve common headaches with working with class-based views. django-braces is stable and time-tested. It does not receive a lot of updates and is not in active development. django-braces also only officially supports Python versions that are still receiving fixes and Django LTS versions. django-braces will work with a most modern...
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