Schematically plot the evolution of binary stars
Quantum transport code based on Gaussian03/09
A modified version of EnergyPlus v. 7 or 8.
MOLPAK (MOLecular PAcKing) is used for predicting crystal structures
Taylor series Integrator for Differential Equations
Bayesian age and mass estimates for transiting planet host stars
A calculator capable of complex arithmetics
Open source codes related to dissipative particle dynamics
Nonlinear Krylov acceleration of fixed-point and Newton-like methods
A detailed nitrogen model inside of a simple ecological model
Lapack/quadprog QP for VBA/.Net/Java
Least-squares fit of amylopectin chain-length distribution
InLine Plot with Fortran
Benefit Your Learning of Climate Modeling
A collection of lecture notes and accompanying code on micromechanics
Tool to translate Nastran to CodeAster file.
Electron Pair Localization Function