Showing 488 open source projects for "open source game"

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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1


    OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files

    OCRmyPDF adds an optical character recognition (OCR) text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched. PDF is the best format for storing and exchanging scanned documents. Unfortunately, PDFs can be difficult to modify. OCRmyPDF makes it easy to apply image processing and OCR (recognized, searchable text) to existing PDFs.
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    Docker Compose

    Docker Compose

    Define and run multi-container applications with Docker

    Docker Compose is an open source tool for defining and running multi-container applications with Docker. Compose lets you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services, and then create and start all the services from your configuration with just a single command. Compose works great in all environments: production, staging, testing, development, and on CI workflows. Compose has commands for every stage of your application lifecycle, from starting, stopping and rebuilding services...
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    The lxml XML toolkit for Python

    A Python library for efficient XML and HTML processing, known for speed and compatibility. The lxml XML toolkit is a Pythonic binding for the C libraries libxml2 and libxslt. It is unique in that it combines the speed and XML feature completeness of these libraries with the simplicity of a native Python API, mostly compatible but superior to the well-known ElementTree API. The latest release works with all CPython versions from 3.6 to 3.12. See the introduction for more information about the...
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    Situational Awareness Server compatible with TAK clients

    FTS is a Python3 implementation of a TAK Server for devices like ATAK, WinTAK, and ITAK, it is cross-platform and runs from a multi-node installation on AWS down to the Android edition. It's free and open source (released under the Eclipse Public License. FTS allows you to connect ATAK clients to share geo-information, to chat with all the connected clients, exchange files and more. It intends to support all the major use cases of the original TAK server.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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    Re-editable LaTeX/ typst graphics for Inkscape

    Re-editable LaTeX and typst graphics for Inkscape. TexText is a Python extension for the vector graphics editor Inkscape providing the possibility to add and re-edit LaTeX and typst generated SVG elements to your drawing.
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    Open-Source Python3 tool for recognizing layouts, tables, and math

    An Open-Source Python3 tool for recognizing layouts, tables, math formulas, and text in images, converting them into Markdown format. A free alternative to Mathpix, empowering seamless conversion of visual content into text-based representations. 80+ languages are supported. Pix2Text (P2T) aims to be a free and open-source Python alternative to Mathpix, and it can already accomplish Mathpix's core functionality. Pix2Text (P2T) can recognize layouts, tables, images, text, and mathematical...
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    Extract TOTP/HOTP secrets

    Extract TOTP/HOTP secrets

    Extract one time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes

    The Python script extracts one-time password (OTP) secrets from QR codes exported by two-factor authentication (2FA) apps such as "Google Authenticator".
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    openvpn-monitor is a web based OpenVPN monitor

    openvpn-monitor is a simple Python program to generate HTML that displays the status of an OpenVPN server, including all current connections. It uses the OpenVPN management console. It typically runs on the same host as the OpenVPN server, however, it does not necessarily need to. OpenVPN-monitor is a web-based OpenVPN monitor, that shows current connection information, such as users, location, and data transferred.
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    A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

    tqdm is a fast, extensible progress bar for Python and CLI that enables you to see the progress of your loops in a clear and smart way. Simply wrap any iterable with tqdm(iterable), and sit back and watch that progress meter go! tqdm can be wrapped around any iterable, or executed as a module with pipes. Just by inserting tqdm (or python -m tqdm) between pipes will pass through all stdin to stdout while printing progress to stderr. tqdm does not require any dependencies, has a very...
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

    pywebview is a lightweight cross-platform wrapper around a webview component that allows to display HTML content in its own native GUI window. It gives you power of web technologies in your desktop application, hiding the fact that GUI is browser based. You can use pywebview either with a lightweight web framework like Flask or Bottle or on its own with a two way bridge between Python and DOM. pywebview uses native GUI for creating a web component window: WinForms on Windows, Cocoa on macOS...
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    TikZ figures for concepts in physics/chemistry/ML

    Collection of 111 standalone TikZ figures for illustrating concepts in physics, chemistry, and machine learning. Check out to search, sort, open in Overleaf, and download figures (PDF/SVG/PNG) from this collection.
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    An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape

    Due to an incompatible change of the Inkscape extension API, this extension has to split into two versions. For Inkscape versions lower than 1.0, users should use the files in the 0.9.x folder, the other users should use files in the 1.0.x folder.
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    Rapid LaTeX OCR

    Rapid LaTeX OCR

    Formula recognition based on LaTeX-OCR and ONNXRuntime

    Formula recognition based on LaTeX-OCR and ONNXRuntime. rapid_latex_ocr is a tool to convert formula images to latex format. The reasoning code in the repo is modified from LaTeX-OCR, the model has all been converted to ONNX format, and the reasoning code has been simplified, Inference is faster and easier to deploy. The repo only has codes based on ONNXRuntime or OpenVINO inference in onnx format and does not contain training model codes. If you want to train your own model, please move to...
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    Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python

    Diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python.
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    Math OCR model that outputs LaTeX and markdown

    Texify is an OCR model that converts images or pdfs containing math into markdown and LaTeX that can be rendered by MathJax ($$ and $ are delimiters). It can run on CPU, GPU, or MPS.
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    nodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications

    Static security code scanner (SAST) for Node.js applications powered by libsast and semgrep. nodejsscan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications.
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    Academic File Converter

    Academic File Converter

    Import Bibtex publications and Jupyter Notebook posts into websites

    Easily import publications and Jupyter notebooks to your Markdown-formatted website or book.
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    LaTeX CV generator from a YAML/JSON input file

    RenderCV is a LaTeX CV/resume framework. It allows you to create a high-quality CV as a PDF from a YAML file with full Markdown syntax support and complete control over the LaTeX code. RenderCV offers built-in LaTeX and Markdown templates ready to produce high-quality CVs. However, the templates are entirely arbitrary and can easily be updated to leverage RenderCV's capabilities with your custom CV themes.
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    An implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python

    jsonschema is an implementation of the JSON Schema specification for Python. Full support for Draft 2020-12, Draft 2019-09, Draft 7, Draft 6, Draft 4 and Draft 3. Lazy validation that can iteratively report all validation errors. Programmatic querying of which properties or items failed validation.
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    A Python SOAP client

    ... interface to a SOAP server. Parsing the XML documents is done by using the lxml library. This is the most performant and compliant Python XML library currently available. This results in major speed benefits when processing large SOAP responses. The SOAP specifications are unfortunately really vague and leave a lot of things open for interpretation.
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    CLI tool to filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax

    Filter JSON and JSON Lines data with Python syntax. jello is similar to jq in that it processes JSON and JSON Lines data except jello uses standard python dict and list syntax. JSON or JSON Lines can be piped into jello via STDIN or can be loaded from a JSON file or JSON Lines files (JSON Lines are automatically slurped into a list of dictionaries). Once loaded, the data is available as a python list or dictionary object named '_'. Processed data can be output as JSON, JSON Lines, bash array...
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    Plugin for Anki SRS designed to facilitate cooperation

    CrowdAnki is a plugin for that allows users to import and export decks/notes and all relevant information in a JSON format. The main purpose is to facilitate crowd-sourcing for Anki decks and notes. Starting with version 0.6 it also features a close integration with Git. Providing you with the ability to automatically maintain a history of edits for your decks. My goal here is to provide a user-friendly description of collaboration workflow. In order to do that, I looked...
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    A Python utility / library to sort imports

    isort is a Python utility/library to sort imports alphabetically, and automatically separated into sections and by type. It provides a command-line utility, Python library and plugins for various editors to quickly sort all your imports. It requires Python 3.6+ to run but supports formatting Python 2 code too. Several plugins have been written that enable to use isort from within a variety of text-editors. You can find a full list of them on the isort wiki. Additionally, I will...
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    A workflow for reproducible and open scientific articles

    showyourwork is a workflow management tool for open source scientific articles. If you want to make your research article reproducible, extensible, transparent, or just downright awesome, you’ve found the right tool. showyourwork automates your entire workflow, packaging it into a self-contained recipe that anyone can follow and, at the click of a button, use to reproduce your results.
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    Pure Python library for LaTeX to MathML conversion

    Pure Python library for LaTeX to MathML conversion.
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