Showing 66 open source projects for "g-code"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • 1


    Format and convert Python docstrings and generates patches

    Create, update or convert docstrings in existing Python files, managing several styles. This Python3 program intends to help Python programmers to enhance inside code documentation using docstrings. It is useful for code not well documented, or code without docstrings, or some not yet or partially documented code, or a mix of all of this. It can be helpful also to harmonize or change a project docstring style format. It will parse one or several python scripts and retrieve existing docstrings...
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  • 2


    Tom Preston-Werner's obvious, minimal language

    ..., making them easy to code for or parse with machines. TOML and YAML both emphasize human readability features, like comments that make it easier to understand the purpose of a given line. TOML differs in combining these, allowing comments (unlike JSON) but preserving simplicity (unlike YAML). Because TOML is explicitly intended as a configuration file format, parsing it is easy, but it is not intended for serializing arbitrary data structures.
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  • 3
    BigchainDB Server

    BigchainDB Server

    Meet BigchainDB. The blockchain database

    BigchainDB is the blockchain database. This repository is for the BigchainDB Server. Running and testing the latest version of the BigchainDB Server is easy. Make sure you have a recent version of Docker Compose installed.
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  • 4


    An Efficient Binary data Format

    EBF, which stands for Efficient Binary Format, is a binary file format for reading and writing binary data easily. Reading writing routines are currently available in C,C++,Fortran,Java, Python, IDL, MATLAB. A program called ebftkpy which has a set of utility functions to work with the .ebf files , e.g., viewing the contents and getting a summary, is also provided. The EBF specification is designed to be concise and easy to understand to make it easier for others to write their own code...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    Database JSON comuni italiani (2020) con informazioni ISTAT + CAP

    Unofficial database of Italian municipalities, with ISTAT and postcode information. The list of municipalities is updated on 01/01/2020. Includes the new 2020 municipalities, with postcodes "updated" in December 2019. The postal codes of the new municipalities are temporary until Poste Italiane updates them.
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    Introductory Systems Programming Textbook for University of Illinois

    Welcome to the systems programming coursebook! This repository houses a high-quality, open-source introductory systems programming textbook used by the CS 341: System Programming course at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The book assumes that you have taken a programming language course and are familiar with assembly instructions. All of the code and instruction will be in C, as it is the de-facto language of the Linux Kernel.
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    An easy way to manage SQLite databases and query CSV files

    Welcome to the project page for pyDaSSQLiteMan (Python Data and SQLite Manager). This application is a Python Tkinter application designed to enable easy SQLite database file manipulation, and an easy method to run SQL styled queries on CSV files. If you're not downloading the pre-compiled executable you will need Python to run this app. You can download it from . I'd recommend something after version 3. Testing has been Windows based. SQLite is a free database...
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  • 8
    Django REST Pandas

    Django REST Pandas

    Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework

    ... can often be leveraged by sending users to the same URL that your visualization code uses internally to load the data. While DRP is primarily a data API, it also provides a default collection of interactive visualizations through the @wq/chart library, and a @wq/pandas loader to facilitate custom JavaScript charts that work well with CSV output served by DRP. These can be used to create interactive time series, scatter, and box plot charts.
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    FOSS license

    FOSS license and sentence token

    We propose a method to mark the comments of license as sentence-token. We use the term sentence-token to refer to a sentence of a known license. A license (both by-inclusion or by-reference) is a sequence of sentence-tokens. Sentence-tokens are generalized using one or more regular expressions. we propose an idea for license identification based on the analysis of each sentence in the license statement of a source code file.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10


    SploitFrameWork *BETA*

    WELCOME TO THE SPLOITFRAMEWORK SPLOIT COMES WITH A PAYLOAD OF THINGS FOR ALL YOUR HACKING NEEDS, SUCH AS 1. Email Phishing 2. Spear Phishing 3. Spoofing 4. Credential Harvester 5. Kayloggers 6. Tabnabbing And More . . .
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    PyXB (“pixbee”) is a pure Python package that generates Python source code for classes that correspond to data structures defined by XMLSchema. In concept it is similar to JAXB for Java and CodeSynthesis XSD for C++.
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    Pi alarm clock

    Raspberry pi + adafruit cap tft + ada fruit case +python code

    Raspberry pi adafruit capacitive touch tft ada fruit case for pi ldr +capacitor for background light level dfc77 receiver for time python code based on wiringpi2, pygame
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    ASN.1 library for Python
    ASN.1 types and codecs (BER, CER, DER) implementation in Python programming language. A collection of various ASN.1-based protocols data structures is supplied in a dedicated Python package. Project moved to GitHub:
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    Cookbook Style Document for DocBook Customizations

    This project has been moved to GitHub: The DoCookBook project aims to create an open source book about DocBook and the DocBook XSL stylesheets written as a cookbook and released under a Creative Commons license.
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    SPDLib - LiDAR & TLS Processing Tools
    A library of tools and API (C++ and Python) for the storage and processing of large 3D laser scanning (LiDAR, ALS, TLS) datasets using a pulse based spatially indexed file format (SPD) which support for both discrete return and full waveform datasets. Code has moved to
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  • 16
    Note: The project has moved to The files available here are very old, download from Github instead. MinimalModbus is an easy-to-use Python module for talking to instruments (slaves) from a computer (master) using the Modbus protocol, and is intended to be running on the master. Example code includes drivers for Eurotherm and Omega process controllers. The only dependence is the pySerial module (also pure Python). This software supports the ‘Modbus...
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    Darkfall Emulator

    Darkfall Emulator

    Develop an emulated Darkfall Online Server.

    This project is the development of an open source fully emulated Darkfall Online Server and reverse engineering the proprietary game engine that DFO uses, the SF3D engine as well as its source code.
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    Script for OpenOffice/LibreOffice to convert tables to Latex-Code

    UPDATE: The project was moved to github ( The soruceforge page won't get any bugfixes, please use the github repo if you want to try this macro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Python extension for OpenOffice/LibreOffice to convert selected cells to LaTeX-Code. Its similar to Calc2Latex, but typographic formatting is more advanced (numeric columns, dcolumn-package, booktab-package) Script is tested...
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    Framework (scripts, configuration, code) to build free and public services around travel and leisure data. That project makes an extensive use of already existing data sources such as Geonames and dbPedia, and adds some glue around those (eg, links).
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    OPC UA communication stack written in python

    The goal of this project is to implement an OPC UA communication stack using the python programming language. Currently we are working on a series of articles, describing how we can use python to implement the communication stack. Some code snippets have already been written!
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  • 21
    SamChanEd is a command line tool to organize channels list on Samsung TV. Currently it supports only analog channels on C series of TV sets. TV icon by
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    The purpose of this projects is to define, design and code a models-sharing system for the RepRap replication machines, so that end-users and designers can easily find, create, modify or build objects models.
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    y_serial: warehouse Py objects w/ SQLite
    Serialization + persistance : in a few lines of code, compress and annotate Python objects into SQLite; then later retrieve them chronologically by keywords without any SQL. Most useful "standard" module for a database to store schema-less data.
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    A command-line Python utility to mine information on open source projects using the ohloh web service APIs. The script is enables analysis of open source projects indexed by ohloh by providing source lines of code (SLOC), contributor data and other info.
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  • 25
    1. Create an object-oriented python script that can represent mathematical concepts and their properties. 2. Represent all numeric values exactly. 3. Provide a variety of formats to export or embed representations of the mathematical concepts.
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