An ebook reader application supporting PDF, DjVu, EPUB, FB2, etc.
Front-end framework with a built-in dark mode
odxcassdecode: decode the data cassette format for Oberheim DX/DMX
ppgwavecass: tools for the PPG Wave 2/2.2/2.3 data cassette format
tools for Wersi Datencassette, RS232 packets, and image file formats
drumucass: tools for the E-mu Drumulator data cassette format
linndrumcass: tools for the LinnDrum data cassette format
emt250_roms_parse: tool to parse ROMs of EMT 250
lexiutils: tools for data formats of historical Lexicon systems
vscartutils: tools for the cartridge data formats of the Prophet VS
linn9000cass: tool for Linn9000 & LinnSequencer data cassette format
wersicx2datencassette: tools for Wersi CX2 Datencassette
mk1utils: tools for the Wersi MK1, EX20, DX10, EX10R, DX5
CSS for clean and fast web apps