Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application
An X32/M32 scene to Wing snapshot converter
A canvas in your browser
a tool for encoding/decoding to base62
Unofficial Windows builds of FontForge
Extension for Alamofire that converts JSON data into Decodable objects
PySCeS Constraint Based Modelling
Digital edition visualization software
Searching metada for your Video Files and renaming them properly
Cryptographic currency implementing Ouroboros PoS protocol
HL7 Inspector is a tool for managing HL7 messages
Free Dashboard Theme Built On Bootstrap 4 | HTML Version
Blissful JavaScript
Full stack, modern web application generator
LaTeX Template for Mike Morrison's #betterposter
PHP class for PDF
100% Shared Code Android/iOS Login Example
Python script to merge and edit sensitive PDF files
PolyCash is the ultimate open source betting system.
A starting point for crafting living style guides
Application to modify pdf files.
Simple Dashboard Admin App built using Angular 8 and Bootstrap 4