Manage what you buy and how you buy it with, so you have control over your time and money spent.
Simplify every aspect of buying for your business in From sourcing products to scaling purchasing across locations to automating your AP and approvals workstreams, is the platform of choice for growing businesses.
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Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange
A single integrated payables solution that takes manual payment processes out of the equation, helping reduce risk and cutting costs for your business
Save time, money and your sanity. Deluxe Payment Exchange+ (DPX+) is our integrated payments solution that streamlines and automates your accounts payable (AP) disbursements. DPX+ ensures secure payments and offers suppliers alternate ways to receive funds, including mailed checks, ACH, virtual credit cards, debit cards, or eCheck payments. By simply integrating with your existing accounting software like QuickBooks®, you’ll implement efficient payment solutions for AP with ease—without costly development fees or untimely delays.
A completely functional Gaming Ladder, which uses PHP/MySQL, allowing for two admins, complete configuration including colors, error reporting, number of rungs to be used, number of players on a team, as well as NFL style drafts.
Right now we\'re in a stepping stone stage. We\'re ditching all the Quake 2 code, so we\'re drafting some new specs. For all those that are wondering when it\'s going to be done, just remeber the famous J. Carmack line. \"When it\'s done.\"
this expansion for the game combat commander battlezone2 the [wobz] or [zrfbz] thing brings wole active content in a battlezone2 gives the user play 26 races instead 2 as default note wole thing alredy made we here in try to impruve its sub sections
Entrust your employee well-being to Calmerry's nationwide network of licensed mental health professionals.
Calmerry is beneficial for businesses of all sizes, particularly those in high-stress industries, organizations with remote teams, and HR departments seeking to improve employee well-being and productivity