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See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.
Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
a personal finance management application featuring a relational database backend, many categories for each transaction. This module implements the business logic of the application, and can be extended with user interface modules.
The Time Management System enables companies to record time of their employees and has powerful reporting capabilities for the management. This professional solution is currently used by an IT consultancy firm based in Germany having 200+ employees.
phpYABS (Yet Another Book-management Software) is an Object-Oriented application written for PHP 5.2.x and based on symfony and Zend Framework; its goal is to provide a simple interface to manage either a personal book library or a book store.
WebLETS is a fully web-enabled LETSystem (Local Exchange and Trade System), incorporating most if not all typical functionality of traditional LETS software and/or paper based systems. This may now be the best open source LETS software availiable.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
Compiere ERP+CRM is the leading open source ERP solution for Distribution, Retail, Manufacturing and Service industries. Compiere automates accounting, supply chain, inventory and sales orders. Compiere ERP is distributed under GPL V2 by Compiere, Inc.
FiMi - Finacial Instuments Management Interface is a API which provides Financial Instument Data such as Quotes or Inrerest Rates. Where all the Data is stored in a PSQL Database. You can see my sf diary for details.
The Oracle ExcelDocumentType project provides an open source Oracle PL/SQL user defined type and utilities designed to generate fully functional Microsoft Excel spreadsheets from within the database. The code generates Excel XML data.
SQL-Ledger is a great application but it lacks some speed when you want to use it as a cash register in some retailer stores. SLpos address this issue and provides a simple but fast interface to be used on front-end side of your SQL-Ledger system.
Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.
OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
This is a crossplatform java suite, for workflow and data management of Law Firms. eLawManager is the english ver. - eLawOffice.it is the italian. It's a standard client-server application with a webapp version.Support OASIS opendocument and openoffice.
ComUnion is helping small and midsized businesses better manage their operations. ComUnion is a fully functional, open platform for Enterprise Resource Planning and Management. Developed using PHP, Javascript and MySQL. Follows MVC design/architecture.
OpenCompiere is 100% compatible with Compiere, but with additional features, bug fixes and extensions.
OpenCompiere is not one of Compiere forks, but a Compiere enhancement version.
OpenCompiere intends to became community friendly project.
Risk IDS is open source fraud prevention software that provides real time and batch data matching for application and transaction data. DOWNLOAD ONLY AT www.RiskIDS.com to ensure your are registered for updates. Info@RiskIDS.com
ALTER is a web based integrated ERP system including purchasing, sales, inventory and accounting modules. Out of the box it is ideal for distribution and retail industries. Actually Italian only, but internationalization work is under way.
AkunaERP is an open source ERP system for small and medium enterprise providing extensive business focussed functionality. AkunaERP utilises the Adempiere engine and includes a number of accounting and UK enhancements
ebills is a PHP/MySQL billing, customer care and workflow system. It automates the production of itemised telephone bills, service/utility bills and product invoices. It produces customer letters, helps collect debts and integrates with other systems. It is versatile enough to be used in any billing environment and easily integrates with other systems.
La idea es hacer un sistema de contabilidad que permita la generación estados contables (balances, diarios, asientos, mayores), debe permitir ademas guardar informacion sobre los clientes y ser totalmente portable.
Robust personal accounting with function of double entry booking, e-billing, tax processing, budgeting, and foreign currency ex rate revaluation. Multi-language is supported. Pl enjoy encrypted p2p invoice transfer and info-on-finger style user interface
The project is now completely ADempiere ERP based. It consists in a "ready to use" ADempiere Italian Version, with pre-installed translation and localization. ERPLibero is the new project name
The application provides service for various customers, each customer being served for one or several different projects. Billable items for each project are recorded at random times and bills are issued either periodically or at any other time.
SYMBOL brings double entry financial accounting to your web browser. Includes Debtors, Creditors, Payroll, Timesheets, budgeting and multi-dimensional accounting. Using Apache, Perl and PostgreSQL with extra features including text versions of reports.
Credit Pool is a web-based online money transaction database. Its purpose is to be used among groups of friends or coworkers to track debts and credits, and optimize these debts among the group.
BPMspace is open for extensions and free to use. BPMspace connects business processes with each other, similar to a relational database. Learn how to build/model a CMS and CMDB: http://www.mitsm.de/schulungen/spezial-schulungen/itil-cmdb-modellierung-und-konzeption