SEPA support tools and library
Program I made to allow me to import inventory counts into my POS.
Track Mutual Funds Easy And Fast. All Funds at Single Place
Quick converter from Price Table to Price List in Excel
Heavy Equipment Company Software Management
This is a sample payroll program, for learning payroll and MS-Access
Free Simple POS system
Microsoft Excel add-in used to shorten repetitive tasks.
PHPawn is a web-based and visual basic pawnshop program.
Aplikasi pengelola data keuangan, Inventaris & Stok Kontrol
A simple Windows-based app to track your incomes and expenses
A windows app written in VB.NET to check prices of Bitcoin
Excel KPI Dashboard
Das GRATIS Rechnungsprogramm für Einzel- und Kleinunternehmer
Populates dates, higlights business days and fiscal month start dates.
Makes easy MS recommended Excel recovery methods - adds 5 of its own.
Repairs/Recovers Corrupt MS Office 2007 - 2013 Format Files
Sysnav Technologies is a leading software solutions provider in Kenya.
Un sistema contable administrativo basado en MS Excel
FREE Stock data downloader into an Excel sheet
Expenses Tracking Application