Minimalistic and superstable OSC timeline/sequencer
Tired of Dropbox? Host your own files then.
Crossplatform files synchronization and backup portable tool.
A synchronisation component for p5.js
Import SGT to iCalendars
Load CSS asynchronously
Program to synchronize AD user objects of different AD forests
Download files from frequently-updated FTP sites
InDesign CS6 add-on to manipulate text portions as nested snippets.
simple rdist rcs and tools , srtools , synchronizing
Auto update Google Domain Dynamic DNS (DDNS) services IP address
Clipboard synchronization tool
(retrieving data from Multimeter and sound measurement data)
Communicating Vision PLC with Java - Linux server
Synology DSM installable package for Baïkal CalDAV & CardDAV server
To synch and encrypt all sorts of data across different sources
Work with DDS AD9850 from a script VBS