Software gratis de gestión - ERP - Facturación - POS - Free - TPV
Tiny ERP system for a salon
Open Source Microfinance Suite
ERP Software for Your Business
Simple yet Powerful Purchase & Inventory Software)
Open source and free student information system for higher education.
Purchase and Sale Management System
X2CRM - Workflow, Sales, Marketing, Workflow, Custom Apps, PHP, MySQL
WebKOBIS ERP3 v2 is a low cost BIS with advance MRP,HRM,QMS,DMS & CRM
Web Based Hospital Administration System
Gestão Empresarial Gratuito
EduSec is now available on Cloud with LMS integrated
Web Based HRMS
ShelterOps - Animal and Wildlife data management software
Tiny POS System
SpeeDealing ERP & CRM (distributed)
Aplicación ERP para PyMEs
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Usaha Kecil berbasis PHP dan MySQL
web application to control goods, products, accounting and invoices