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Small restaurant menu and orders service for PC and mobile devices
Application has been developed in 2007. Those days it allowed to run complete restrant orders cycle from warehouse and ingredients to simple reports. There is "full" client for PC browser and "simple" client for Pocket PC devices running Windows CE Internet Explorer. Both clients are based on AJAX, so web-site works as application even with dramatically slow network.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Usaha Kecil berbasis PHP dan MySQL
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Usaha Kecil ( SiMancil ) adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang berguna untuk mengelola Usaha Kecil & Menengah, dengan fitur Akuntansi, Pembelian/Penjualan, Stok produk, dan Pegawai.
Dapat diakses melalui browser di segala media baik offline maupun online.
Default user & password : simancil
WaypointHR is an HR database for managing employee records and personnel information. MySQL is used for the database and PHP (4 or 5) is used for the web browser based interface. Ease of use and effective management reports are key design goals.
Multi-user online service implementation for web-based factory modeling. Rich user interface and scalable backend system to build online simulation services on or do other processing of factory data. Demo at