Java based Batch scheduling, processing and monitoring framework
Ulbora CMS 2.0 is the first MEAN stack CMS and blogging platform.
product information manager
Extract-Copy-Load (ECL) tool for 14 databases.
Easy Timer, packaged in Format Open Source ERP Solution
Django based framework for building Enterprise Applications
A BloodBank Administration Software
Gestione Centro Assistenza Tecnica
Event Management and Ticket Processing Software
Web-based application to manage medical clinic internal work flows
the software assists in member management and camera management
QueLang is a designing tool to use for Questionnaire Design.
Application Portfolio Manager
OpenPatientOS is an information system for managing patient records
Database corrections on Dolibarr data
AS powerlifting
Full featured open source BRM/BPM/CMS stack
a free software for selling beer in germany
Heart internet API script set