A program to generate random reciprocal bigram tables
Encryption addressing long-term data secrecy
JCryptor is an encrypting tool based on the Caesar-cipher.
Fileprivacy easily encrypts your files
WTF Obfuscator is a new obfuscator for your .NET applications
Sending encrypted data through internet web applications.
Gui shell for linux mcrypt util written on Qt.
Scramble files to enhance security
Simple application to encrypt and decrypt strings
A Text Encryption Program
Simple, lightweight, standalone command-line single file encryption.
Encryption Decryption
An Android application for encryption and decryption
A console-mode program that will keep all your passwords safe
Creates Secure Passwords
A cross-plattform encryption tool for texts and files
jEncrypt is a command line file encryption archiver
AES-128, Linux, OpenBSD, Assembly-Language
Encoding Decoding and Encryption Decryption
Various programs accessed through a shell developed by a teenager.
Digital Encryption / Decryption Software