Nginx module for embedding Clojure or Java or Groovy programs
free alternative firmware for the DLink DNS-320/320L/321/323/325/327L
Open source flash program for STM32 using the ST serial bootloader
Multiplatform USB DFU host utility
A GUI system for embedded systems.
Open Source middleware platform with FreeRTOS, processor abstraction
BACnet stack for Rabbit 4000/5000/6000
Implementation of LZW compression algorithm in C
Management and Control Information Protocol
Python Library for accessing UEFI BIOS internal function by protocol
Providing easy OBD-II connectivity for open-source hardware
Open IoT Framework
Windows XP reimplemented on Nintendo DS
Embedded JPEG encoder
OpenSPA MOD for OpenPCTV
ADS1115 component for XBee Codewarrior
Hard Real-Time OS compliant to the Osek/Vdx standard.