Showing 567 open source projects for "compiler python linux"

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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM Icon
    Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM

    Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.

    C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
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    a package with useful scripts for X-ray diffraction physicists

    xrayutilities is a python package used to analyze x-ray diffraction data. It can support with performing diffraction experiments and used for common steps in the data analysis. It can read experimental data from several data formats (spec, edf, xrdml, ...); convert them to reciprocal space for arbitrary goniometer geometries and different detector systems (point, linear as well as area detectors); for further processing the data can be gridded (transformed to a regular grid). More...
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    TOMUSS: The Online Multi User Simple Spreadsheet

    TOMUSS is an interactive web application (groupware) allowing multiple concurrent users to edit data tables. Its primary goal is the management of students grades.
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    Euler Yet another proof Engine

    EYE [1] is a reasoning engine supporting the Semantic Web layers [2]. It performs controlled chaining and it supports Euler paths [3]. Via N3 [4] it is interoperable with Cwm [5]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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    An interactive program for statistical analysis of texts

    A cross-platform text analysis program written in Python and Free Pascal/Lazarus which scans a whole text file (in plain text, HTML, EPUB, or ODT formats) and ranks all used words according to frequency, performing a quantitative analysis of the text using Shannon-Weaver information statistic and Zipf power law function. It counts words, sentences, chars, spaces, and syllables. Also computes readability indexes (Gunning-Fog, Coleman-Liau, Automated Readability Index (ARI), SMOG grade, Flesch...
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  • Software Testing Platform | Testeum Icon
    Software Testing Platform | Testeum

    Testeum is a Software Testing & User Test platform

    Tired of bugs and poor UX going unnoticed despite thorough internal testing? Testeum is the SaaS crowdtesting platform that connects mobile and web app creators with carefully selected testers based on your criteria.
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    GUI for translate-shell, the cli tool for quick translation

    GUI for the translate-shell, aims to be easy to use translator and a helpful tool for learning new languages. Most tools do a one way translation from source to target language, do to the reverse involves choosing the source and target languages again. This tool can do a 2 way translation accompanied by speech output of the target language text. Hence it can prove to be an indispensable aid when learning new languages
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    Web-based introductory coding environment

    CodeJo is a web app that allows users to write Python code to control a web canvas element (a pixel grid) or another graphical display element. At this time, grid (web canvas) and fabric (a library that also uses a web canvas) are available, but new modules can be added to the system.
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    Flashcard App

    Flashcard App

    This is an app that will help you learn and prosper in any subject!

    A lightweight but effective Flashcard based learning app to study and memorize using a reward system, built using python and the customtkinter library. Here you can create flashcards and quiz yourself on any topic you like, save the flashcards for later use or simply import one with the correct format. Give yourself hints, earn points and have fun! Play quiz with your friends see who gets the most points. Here almost anything is customizable. And forgive me if there are any bugs...
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    python3 version of bibus

    python3 version of bibus It is nothing more than "it works on Debian testing (bookworm) AMD64. "
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    classicos de leitura

    classicos de leitura

    The best of Portuguese and English classical literature

    A program to read classical literature ,6 titles added at the moment. In English: -The adventures of Sherlock Holmes -Secret Adversary In Portuguese: -Amor de Perdição -Os Maias -A morgadinha dos canaviais -A moreninha
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  • Free and Open Source HR Software Icon
    Free and Open Source HR Software

    OrangeHRM provides a world-class HRIS experience and offers everything you and your team need to be that HR hero you know that you are.

    Give your HR team the tools they need to streamline administrative tasks, support employees, and make informed decisions with the OrangeHRM free and open source HR software.
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    Butiá Robot
    Open, free and extensible plataform for developing robotics projects
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    Kakagui is a gui interface for kakasi, the Kanji Kana Simple Inverter

    Kakagui かかぐい, is a gui interface for kakasi, the Kanji Kana Simple Inverter. It can be used by Japanese learners who do not yet have a strong grasp on Kanji to convert text to hiragana/katakana or Romaji to help in reading Japanese.
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    Br-Gogo is a Brazilian open-source version of the Gogo Board project. Developed by CTI, a Brazilian research center. **<div class="sf-root" data-id="250926" data-badge="oss-users-love-us-white" style="width:125px"> <a href="" target="_blank">Br-Gogo</a> </div>**
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    Six key approach to producing print materials.

    Sharada-Braille-Writer (S.B.W) is a text editor for GNU/Linux which support braille input. In S.B.W, Simultaneous multiple press of braille combinations, will produce corresponding letters. So one can input text in more than 40 languages with braille knowledge in perkins like way. letters f, d, s, j, k, l represent 1 2 3 4 5 6 of the braille dots respectively. By pressing "f" and "s" together will produce letter k and like. Website : Github repository 1 : https...
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    Distribuição GNU/Linux brasileira, originalmente para telecentros de projetos de inclusão digital, mas que agora conta com instalação para desktop comum. Distro baseada no Debian GNU/Linux. Foi desenvolvida, primeiramente, para facilitar a instalação e configuração do sistema operacional nos telecentros de projetos de inclusão digital. Conta com programas amigáveis, que são adaptados com com as necessidades de uso, no dia a dia em telecentros ou não.
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    Zettel allows taking notes from several references and organizing them

    Zettel is a program for taking notes from bibliographic references. Instead of marking the text on paper and then going crazy looking for where the copy ended up, the notes are saved in a database, linked to the reference from where they were copied. Notes can be tagged and retrieved in several ways. Zettel é um programa para fichamento de referências bibliográficas. Ao invés de marcar o texto em papel e depois enlouquecer procurando onde a cópia foi parar, as notas são guardadas numa...
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    Basic Maths for pre-school

    It a basic Maths program to help children to count.
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    Accelerated deep learning R&D

    ... something totally new. Catalyst is compatible with Python 3.6+. PyTorch 1.1+, and has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04, macOS 10.15, Windows 10 and Windows Subsystem for Linux. It's part of the PyTorch Ecosystem, as well as the Catalyst Ecosystem which includes Alchemy (experiments logging & visualization) and Reaction (convenient deep learning models serving).
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    Sudoku Maker is a generator for Sudoku number puzzles. It uses a genetic algorithm internally, so it can serve as an introduction to genetic algorithms. The generated Sudokus are usually very hard to solve -- good for getting rid of a Sudoku addiction.
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    Fetches the historical Haircut data (%) of Equities and Gold Bonds

    Haircut is the amount of margin money deducted while pledging the Equites/ Mutual Funds / Bonds for trading. A haircut value of 13% means that, if a share worth of Rs 100 is pledged for trading, then Rs. 13 will be deducted and Rs. 87 will be given as collateral margin for trading. It is based on previous closing price. This program is used to identify the real value of a share with date. It fetches the historical Haircut data (%) and Price of an equity listed in NSE, India at a...
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    Python library for studying Binary Trees

    Binarytree is Python library that lets you generate, visualize, inspect and manipulate binary trees. Skip the tedious work of setting up test data, and dive straight into practicing algorithms. Heaps and BSTs (binary search trees) are also supported. Binarytree supports another representation which is more compact but without the indexing properties. Traverse trees using different algorithms.
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    Machine Learning PyTorch Scikit-Learn

    Machine Learning PyTorch Scikit-Learn

    Code Repository for Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn

    Initially, this project started as the 4th edition of Python Machine Learning. However, after putting so much passion and hard work into the changes and new topics, we thought it deserved a new title. So, what’s new? There are many contents and additions, including the switch from TensorFlow to PyTorch, new chapters on graph neural networks and transformers, a new section on gradient boosting, and many more that I will detail in a separate blog post. For those who are interested in knowing what...
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    Interpretable machine learning

    Interpretable machine learning

    Book about interpretable machine learning

    This book is about interpretable machine learning. Machine learning is being built into many products and processes of our daily lives, yet decisions made by machines don't automatically come with an explanation. An explanation increases the trust in the decision and in the machine learning model. As the programmer of an algorithm you want to know whether you can trust the learned model. Did it learn generalizable features? Or are there some odd artifacts in the training data which the...
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    Édition automatisée de conventions de stage.

    Logiciel en Python permettant l'automatisations de l'édition de conventions de stage à partir d'un document en .doc ou .docx et d'une base de données en .xlsx.
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    Fetches the historical Haircut data (%) of Mutual Funds and Bonds

    Haircut is the amount of margin money deducted while pledging the Equites/ Mutual Funds / Bonds for trading. A haircut value of 13% means that, if a share worth of Rs 100 is pledged for trading, then Rs. 13 will be deducted and Rs. 87 will be given as collateral margin for trading. It is based on previous closing price (NAV). This program is used to identify the real value of an equity / share / mutual fund / Bonds / SGB with date. This program fetches the historical Haircut data (%)...
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    Datasets in Education and convenient interface for dataset

    Datasets in Education and convenient interface for downloading and preprocessing dataset in education. The CLI tools to quickly convert the "raw" data of the dataset into "mature" data for knowledge tracing task. The "mature" data is in json sequence format and can be modeled by XKT and TKT(TBA) The analysis dataset tool only supports the json sequence format. To check the following statical indexes of the dataset. In order to better verify the effectiveness of the model, the dataset is...
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