Linux command encyclopedia search tool
Ajenti Core and stock plugins
A Laravel package for multilingual models
Chinese version of Google open source project style guide
Use simulation to perform statistical analyses.
Web-based introductory coding environment
Discrete-event simulation modeling software for science and education
Accelerated deep learning R&D
XML-based framework for developing games
Teach your students how to figure out tricky texts in any language.
A collection of interactive educational exercises
A simple Clifford algebra calculator
Facebook AI research's automatic speech recognition toolkit
FFmpeg libav tutorial
A tool for write student evaluations
Interpreter Code for Book Part 2
Basic and intermediate examples of DICOM library with Jupyter
.NET Platform Architecture book (English, Chinese, Russian)
Portable Pascal GUI Library for Atari ST/TT/MSDOS
Learn how to write a hash table in C
Free web timetabling software for education and training providers.
Learning programming language for kids
Python Cookbook, 3rd edition translation