Pro Git 2nd Edition
Chinese version of Google open source project style guide
An Easy to Edit HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT QUIZ - For Students & Teachers
A Free, complete, enterprise grade, open source exam management system
A library and a GUI front-end for fuzzy machine learning
A Shell Script for Quizzing the whole class of students and log result
a light OPDS/HTML server indexing EPUB and PDF files
Code editor in single HTML file
Web IDE in single HTML file
JQM - Java Quine McCluskey for minimization of Boolean functions.
Workshops is an open source, simple, dead-lightweight LMS
Simple solution for testing and documenting short code snippets.
Digital edition visualization software
Learning programming language for kids
HTML schedule generator from list of events
Is tool for query HTML content
Generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem tasks
Repo for my 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns' book
This tool can be used to create quickly the skeleton of a web site.
A tool to generate HTML-based slide shows.
Open Software Plagiarism Checker
The study environment of ancient languages (Coptic, Greek, Latin)
MathTools is an aid in preparing printed math tests.
QueLang is a designing tool to use for Questionnaire Design.