Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for learning HDL
Treebolic hyperbolic visualization for WordNet
Teacher grade book. Aplication teacher support tool
Tool for chess teachers to create PDF files with chess diagrams in it
Dictionary editor for LingvoLearner android app
Constraint Satisfaction Problem solving library for Java
AtlantidaFork is a fork of Atlantida
An Interactive Java API Examples and Documentation
RINO generates random maths exercises for secondary school teachers.
BoPlanets shows planets relatively to an observing planet.
Benchmark for 50 000 000 prime numbers as single and multicore
RobBX - is a powerfull DIY Arduino constructor based from IQBX
Tool for managing a kendo tournament
With aguacate you get a better taste
Helping teachers around the world to create unique tests per student.
Euler Yet another proof Engine
Frevo is probably the simplest tool for evolutionary design
Worderize is designed to make the language learning more effective.