An interactive viewer for three-dimensional chemical structures.
Digital Circuits Design and Simulation
A Free, complete, enterprise grade, open source exam management system
Virtual Research Environment / On-line Bibliography Manager
Excel based scoring system for Science Olympiad tournaments
Tool for managing a kendo tournament
RINO generates random maths exercises for secondary school teachers.
Manage, Publish and Share Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri, Glossaries
Educational Activities for Kids
Tool for practicing languages.
A tool for write student evaluations
Create PDF from JPEG scans and photos
Music score editor
Free web timetabling software for education and training providers.
Free music notation & composition software
Generate and solve Travelling Salesman Problem tasks
Just an easy and simple stopwatch coded in vanilla js.
A Simulator for AWA in GMAT Exam (Win and Mac)
Outil de suivi personnalisé de gestion des compétences en BTS SIO
Le couteau suisse du prof de maths
Mates Lliure is a LGPL book collection for catalan maths students.
Bachelor of Science (Informatik)
Formative evaluation platform