Repository for the Astropy core package
A spatial runoff, soil erosion and flooding model
Parse and decode METAR, TAF, SYNOP, BUOY, AMDAR and write data as XML
Command-line operators for netCDF and HDF files
AERMOD, visualisation, input, modelling and compiling tool
Autoplot is an interactive browser for data on the web
Request TLE for given satellites and save it to the file
French Geographic Information System
Adjustment of local surveying networks, binary builds for Windows
an internal tide generation GUI (in Matlab)
GUI for rayinvr modelling
Calculate the Standard Atmosphere properties at different altitudes.
An app that lists earthquake occurrences (based from USGS)
PyRadmon, a Python script to use on both Linux and Windows.
EDMFit is an adjustment tool to estimate EDM calibration parameters.
An "Alternative IO" layer.
Geobody connectivity analysis tool in geosciences. New version: 2.0
Converts images to GSLIB grids -NEW: 3D support.