Transmission bittorrent with p2p streaming. Fast, stable, feature rich
Feb. 7, 2019
Transmission is a respected Fast, Easy, and Free BitTorrent Client, as from their site
Unofficial Linux and Window builds run perfect either service or daemon.
32 bit and 64 bit versions.
32 (runs everywhere), 64 only 64-bit Windows.
Decision made to maintain choice 2.7x core rather than somewhat buggy 2.8x-2.9x cores. That's why you will see infrequent and less bug fixes than official branches. All the features of 2.8x-2.9x (except rename). Run this solid 2.77+ port for extended days, it doesn't crash or lock. Prime for seedbox use.
The included remote GUI port is fine tuned to the daemon released here.
Temporary piece support. plus many featured enhancements! Tested, stable enhancements user requested.
Specifically modified and bug tested for Linux GCC and Windows (cygwin gcc/g++) compilers.
Current release 14734-18 020619