5 programs for "lavender-pie" with 1 filter applied:

  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 1


    A set of C libraries to implement data structures and algorithms

    Struct-Pie (Structures Pie) is a set of C shared libraries to implement data structures and algorithms so that they can be used/integrated easily into C projects. LIFO & FIFO Stack, Binary Search Tree, Priority Queue and a Hash Table are implemented and included in this package. Future releases will have many other data structures. The hash table in this package uses separate chaining to avoid collision. In the "hash_table" directory, the hash table implementation uses linked lists...
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  • 2


    Qt based report solution

    CuteReport is a report solution like Jasper Report, Crystal Reports or FastReport, but based on Qt framework. It can be easily used with any Qt application. In general, CuteReport consists of two parts: core library and template designer. Both are totally modular and theirs functionality can be easily extended by writing additional modules. It's totally abstract of used data and can use as storage: file system, database, version control systems, etc. The project's goal is to provide...
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  • 3


    Data Plotting and Analysis for Science and Engineering

    - Save and open a Work/Project (spf) file - Single fitting/ Batch fitting (user defined custom func) - Matrix to XYZ in Tool menu - Symbol plot: makers, curve, landscape, bar, etc. - Implemented a 3d surface plot (GLSurface) based on OpenGL (ScienPlot v1.3.2 and above) - ColorMap surface, trisurface, Pie, Polar plots, and 3D height field, 3dBar, scatter plots (under developing), and more - Column by column plotting/calculation - LaTex commands enclosed by $ symbols can be used...
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  • 4
    Coulson Plot Generator

    Coulson Plot Generator

    Graphics generator for pie diagram matrix from spreadsheets

    For comparative plus/minus spreadsheet data, Coulson Plot Generator application creates a multiple pie diagram, for a rapid visual comparison of subunit occupancy across a range of entities. Numbers of pies, segments, labels and colours are customisable. Creates an editable PDF from a comma separated text file. Now with zoom capability and more memory, for larger datasets. Save images in several formats including SVG.
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 5
    A Java class library for visualizing quantitative data using two-dimensional category charts [pie, line, vertical bar, horizontal bar, scatter-plot (dot), combination, and overlay charts]. Charts are of type JComponent and BufferedImage.
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