GUI Based Keyboard Remapper, Auto Clicker, Screen Clicker And More
System utilities to maximize productivity
A set of OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK fonts
Desktop sync client for Nextcloud
Add ligatures to Operator Mono similar to Fira Code
Monospaced font family for user interface and coding environments
Cubic 11 font
A system-ui alternative font for all cross-platform
File Dialog for Dear ImGui
The homepage of Phosphor Icons, a flexible icon family for everyone
Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community
A bitmap programming font optimized for coziness
A programming font based on the typeface used in Minecraft
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications
Make any web page a desktop application
Checkout all LXQt components at once by using git submodule
SwayFX: Sway, but with eye candy
An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One
A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
A better aria2 desktop frontend than AriaNg, containing all features
Dotfiles themed with SweetPastel
Open source neutral style icon system
Mouse-based window manager to tile windows inside floating containers
Hubot Sans, a variable font from GitHub
The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex