Python bindings for MuPDF's rendering library.
Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
A strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text
Advanced Network Neighborhood Browser and Samba Share Mounting Utility
LCARS User Interface for Windows 10/11- Ver. 3.0 (Updated:3-10-23)
(D-Bus) API for GNOME Input Source Manager
Yet another Cyrillic version of Computer Modern fonts
The Investor's Clock shows the time in different time zones.
Control Total sobre las conecciones de RED
Change your wallpaper daily using images generated with DALL-E 2
English language locale for Russia
React Native starter kit with over 40 screens and themes
Programas Portáteis de fácil utilização.
2 clicks para Redimensionar.
Linux distribution for slovak/czech and e-book readers and authors
Tiling Window Manager for Windows
Software para identificação de informações do computador.
Easily manage and sync data across all your windows devices
Calcule seu IMC e saiba se está dentro do Peso Ideal
Sistema Emissor de Recibo versão:
Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life
Distribuição linux moderna e simples, baseada no Debian GNU/Linux.
Aplikacion shqipetar per menagjmentin e kafeteris per pc kontrolle.