Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically
Dotenv is a module that loads environment variables from a .env file
A free web kits for fast web design and development
Create your custom themes and change them dynamically
An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator
Fluent syntactic sugar of Android for applying gradations, shading
Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically
Simplified notification construction and delivery for Android
A fully customizable Fast Scroller for the RecyclerView in Android
A demo project for The Movie DB based on Kotlin MVVM architecture
Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
An easy way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app
Android Progress Button
A new generation of channel package packaging artifact
An iOS weather app developed in Swift 4
SlideUp is a small library that allows you to add sweet slide effect
HTML/CSS/JS and Markdown Playground For Web Designers and Developers
Remixer for Android. Live adjustment of app variables
Android Programming Blog.
Switch your nav's design on the fly
Android component which presents a dismissible view
Collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers
SQL Embedded Manager, is a light-weight implementation of the SSMS.
Realtime preview for designers and developers.