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Converts wxWidgets C++ code components (generated by wxDev-C++) to XML code. Allows users to port wxFrames created with the wxDev-C++ visual designer RAD to other IDEs.
The SAVE-IDE is an integrated development environment for architectural and component-based design of embedded systems. Including a tool chain for analysis, verification and code generation, with focus on safety and real-time.
Fragments is a highly sophisticated C++ library for composing classes from freely definable "fragments". Among other things it can be used to create container classes - just by selecting a set of "fragments" to combine.
The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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Plugin for the CASE tool Fujaba. It enables the use of Velocity templates in activity graphs. Primary usage: Code generation in model transformations in association with the plugin SPin.
JSequencer is a development tool which autogenerates Sequence diagrams. It's ideal for design and debugging. Wire it with Spring and you can produce Sequence Diagrams without writing any code! The produced output can be viewed using SequencerUI(included
Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.
OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
Helona is a project to provide xml based plugins (modules) and themes for Apache cocoon, forrest and lenya based web applications. The project is created to provide code that are not meeting ASF policies (e.g. including GNU LGPL licenced code).
This is a C++ template class library for generic smart data.
Smart data substitutes plain old data (in the smart pointers' manner), automatically generating associated: copy constructor, assignment operator, toString(), serialization, etc.
gluemvc is a very simple framework for swing/swt/awt applications that assist the developer to programmer in MVC pattern. This FW uses the DAO, Services and Business Object pattern. It help us to program in large team and with some nexus in our code.
Magritte is a framework to build user interfaces for Java, which are saved in XML files, allowing a user to change the interface without the need to recompile the code. It will also generate Java code to respond to GUI events.
Extended C gives Object-Oriented features such as self-referential structure pointers via macros to C, resulting in an object-oriented style. Currently tested in gcc, we hope to stabilize it for other compilers as well, including Borland & Visual Studio.
Development tool are a batch of Eclipse plugins(Model Designer,Page Designer,Flow Designer,Depolyer,Code Generator) that allow designing BPDL(Business Process Definition Language),generating muti-framework sourcecode,deploying to different servers.
ClassReach is a utility to identify unused Java classes and methods. Once identified, such things can be removed from the code, hopefully simplifying the system.