Get random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data
A high performance real-time analytics database
Distributed database ecosphere
A graph database that supports more than 100+ billion data
The financial transactions database designed for mission critical safe
Apache IoTDB
An open source SQL database designed to process time series data
A Raman spectra library with search and storage function.
MySQL Proxy using Java NIO based on Sharding SQL, Calcite
a set of foundation classes for database engines
Active, high-performance open source database middleware
Organizes and searches user-defined items and images in a MySQL DB.
A distributed key-value storage system
UBA Probenverwaltungssystem (Specimen Management System)
Distributed RDF Processing over Hadoop
10gen Education / MongoDB University courses of 2013
smart Workflow Engine
Library Application for E-ink Android Readers.
Protect your personal data with SafePassDB.
Big Sack: A lightweight Java Key/Value store with undo and disk cache.
Java Library for backing up MySQL Databases.
A robust, reliable, user-friendly, and high-performance Graph Database