Showing 435 open source projects for "qgis-osgeo4w-2.6.1-1-setup"

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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

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    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1


    MyBatis SQL mapper framework for Java

    ... by using the SqlSessionFactoryBuilder. SqlSessionFactoryBuilder can build a SqlSessionFactory instance from an XML configuration file, or from a custom prepared instance of the Configuration class. Building a SqlSessionFactory instance from an XML file is very simple. It is recommended that you use a classpath resource for this configuration, but you could use any InputStream instance, including one created from a literal file path or a file:// URL.
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  • 2


    Ebean ORM

    ... the object graph being used and either automatically tune the query. Docker test containers for all the supported databases. Get 100% test coverage on all the features of the database we use. We can build queries using type safe query beans. IDE auto-complete when writing queries, compile time checking and it's FUN. Optimize queries to only fetch what we need (partial objects). Automatically avoid N+1 via a smart load context.
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  • 3
    JabRef Bibliography Management

    JabRef Bibliography Management

    Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex

    JabRef is an open-source, cross-platform citation and reference management tool. Stay on top of your literature: JabRef helps you to collect and organize sources, find the paper you need and discover the latest research. JabRef is available free of charge and is actively developed. It supports you in every step of your research work.
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  • 4
    Spring Data Neo4j

    Spring Data Neo4j

    Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java

    ... with the graph and is also used for the Spring Data repository support. Spring Data Neo4j is a core part of the Spring Data project which aims to provide convenient data access for NoSQL databases. Spring Data builds on Spring Framework, check the web-site for a wealth of reference documentation. If you are just starting out with Spring, try one of the guides.
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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  • 5


    Apache IoTDB

    Apache IoTDB (Database for Internet of Things) is an IoT native database with high performance for data management and analysis, deployable on the edge and the cloud. Due to its light-weight architecture, high performance and rich feature set together with its deep integration with Apache Hadoop, Spark and Flink, Apache IoTDB can meet the requirements of massive data storage, high-speed data ingestion and complex data analysis in the IoT industrial fields. In the scene of factories, there...
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  • 6
    Raman Data Search and Storage

    Raman Data Search and Storage

    A Raman spectra library with search and storage function.

    Raman Data Search and Storage (RDSS) software was developed as an analytical tool for a fast and accurate identification of unknown minerals by comparison of their spectra with the indexed library of data. A search function was implemented to enable users to find a specific peak value. Using the asterisk character (*) as a placeholder for one or more unknown peak value(s), the software will return the best match(es). Besides the search utility by the Raman band positions, which was proven...
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  • 7
    Photoindex is a web application to collect and manage photos from a large number of photographers.
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    Un sistema formato da server, client, linguaggio di script, controllo versione e distribuzione automatica. Tutto questo per creare applicazioni di tipo enterprise che lavorino principalmente con database.
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  • 9
    HHDB SQL Admin

    HHDB SQL Admin

    HHDB SQL Admin is a graphical PostgreSQL client written in Java.

    1. Developed by pure java 2. Customrized for PostgreSQL 3. Support multi-language 4. Use pg JDBC driver for connection 5. Use swing components for GUI 6. Test with Jdk1.7 and 1.8 on windows and CentOS 6,7
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 10
    Krishnamurti's Book of Life D.Thoughts

    Krishnamurti's Book of Life D.Thoughts

    Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life|Libro de la Vida

    FREE distribution of the JAVA-XML multiplatform e-book about Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life (a witty daily cookie-like reflection). Ahora, lea diariamente los pensamientos de Krishnamurti en castellano- Obtenga una agenda gratis.
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  • 11


    ETL engine based on Groovy

    ... classes. GETL taken into account when developing ideas and following requirements: 1. The simpler the class hierarchy, the easier solution; 2. The data structures tend to change over time, or not be known in advance, working with them must be maintained; 3. All routine work ETL should be automated wherever possible; 4. Compiling the code on the fly bail speed and reserve for the optimization; 5. Sophisticated class hierarchy guarantee easy connection of other open source solutions.
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  • 12


    Database file mapping names to records, implementing a file-system

    Fafnir-DB is a database file, addressing variable record data through textual names as identifiers, which applies heap organisation of its data space (based on the Moelnir-file project). Fafnir-DB also implements a rudimentary file system (within the file). This operation modus is optional. There are no data size limits other than the range of a 64-bit signed integer. Scalability is limited to 1 - 10 Mio. entries due to non-paging internal structures.
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  • 13


    Heap organised database service (Java library)

    Moelnir is a basic database file, addressing variable record data through integer identifiers, which applies heap organisation of its data space. Advantage of Moelnir is that each record is stored in a continuous segment on the file while still record size is limit-less variable and modifiable. There are no data length limits other than the range of a 63-bit unsigned integer. Scalability is limited to 1 - 10 Mio. entries due to non-paging internal structures.
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  • 14
    Key data comparer

    Key data comparer

    Fast comparer for database data in the key predefined tables

    I have to fast compare the key data between two databases. As input I have a XML file with list of tables to compare. Program connects to both databases, reads the list of tables, compares data in records with the same primary key and finally produces report: records missing in the databases and records with differences.
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  • 15


    Automated testing to find logic and performance bugs

    ..., which refers to a set of tables and their columns. Then, data is inserted into these tables, along with creating various other kinds of database states such as indexes, views, or database-specific options. Finally, queries are generated, which can be validated using one of the multiple result validators (also called test oracles) that SQLancer provides.
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  • 16


    A scalable, distributed time series database

    ... consists of a Time Series Daemon (TSD) as well as set of command line utilities. Interaction with OpenTSDB is primarily achieved by running one or more of the TSDs. Each TSD is independent. There is no master, no shared state so you can run as many TSDs as required to handle any load you throw at it. Each TSD uses the open-source database HBase or hosted Google Bigtable service to store and retrieve time-series data.
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  • 17


    elementary database files for Java, B+ tree index files, ISAM

    Java API to realize quick ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method) functionality for application in the file system. Includes scalable database files w/ space recovery and variable record length, scalable B+Tree index files. Supports file backup and restore. Two package types: one with and one without strong file encryption using Twofish algorithm and state-of-the-art encryption technology.
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  • 18


    An easy-to-use BI server built for SQL lovers. Power data analysis

    An easy-to-use BI server built for SQL lovers. Power data analysis in SQL and gain faster business insights. Platform independent web application. Single JAR file + Single SQLite DB file. Get up and running in 5 minutes. PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Elasticsearch... You name it. No ETLs, no generated SQL, polish your own SQL query to transform data. Pixel-perfect positioning + Drag'n'Drop support to customize the reports and charts in your own way. Utilize the power of dynamic SQL...
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  • 19
    Migrate data from any database to another with just selecting visually the desired tables in the source database (any database type supported by JDBC) and hit one button to complete it. New tables will be automatically created in the target database.
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  • 20

    Gestion Des Stocks

    Un espace de pratique qui prend comme exemple la Gestion des Stocks

    Ce projet est un "play ground" pour tester et évaluer le développement d'un système d'information. L'exemple pris dans ce cas est la Gestion des Stocks. Cet exemple est simple, fréquent et nous donne la possibilité de tester différentes approches de développement notamment celles liées au changement (ajouter des fonctionnalités, ajouter des cas d'utilisation, etc.). Le projet vise aussi l'apprentissage de plusieurs langages et plateformes pour faire la même chose (créer le même système)....
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  • 21


    Organizes and searches user-defined items and images in a MySQL DB.

    Treasure Box is a free standalone java application that documents, displays and searches user-defined items arranged in a hierarchy or tree structure. The system is similar to how a file management system organizes files and folders on your computer's storage devices. Items can be associated with zero, one or more images. All the data associated with an item as well as the names of the item images are stored in a MySQL database on the users PC. Other things I found useful to photograph...
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  • 22


    Command-line sql JDBC tool

    jdbc2csv is a small command-line tool written in JAVA and can be used on all platforms, for which JRE 8 or higher is available. To connect to a specific DBMS the tool uses its JDBC driver. The result of the executed 'select' query is displayed in CSV format ( different standards are supported ). When there is an error the tool stops with exit code 1 and the error message is output on stderr. jdbc2csv is created with a main purpose to be used in shell-scripts. Relatively easy to configurate...
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  • 23


    Java ORM

    Simple (Easy) Object Relational Mapping for Java Sormula is a Java library that moves data between Java objects and relational database tables. * Easy to Use * Simple to Understand * Minimal Configuration * Portable It provides select, insert, update, and delete, and many other common operations. One-to-one and one-to-many cascading for unlimited levels. Simplified IN operator parameter as java.util.Collection. Custom conversions between any Java class/type and column type...
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  • 24
    Java 2D & 3D visual entity relationship design & modeling (ERD,SQL) for Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,MySQL,...,Database change&dictionary management, Swing Data Binding, Apache FOP Renderer for dot matrix printers,Sparx Enterprise Architect Reports + more
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    The ToroDB solution to provide better analytics on top of MongoDB

    Stampede is a high-performance cache stampede prevention library designed to mitigate excessive cache misses in distributed caching systems. It helps avoid the "thundering herd" problem, where multiple requests simultaneously trigger expensive computations when a cache entry expires. Stampede manages cache expiration intelligently, ensuring that only one request regenerates a missing cache entry while others wait for the updated value.
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