A Raman spectra library with search and storage function.
HHDB SQL Admin is a graphical PostgreSQL client written in Java.
Textual Database System
Jiddu Krishnamurti's Book of Life|Libro de la Vida
Java database mapper
ORBIT : Operating Business Intelligence Tool
With aguacate you get a better taste
Helping teachers around the world to create unique tests per student.
ETL engine based on Groovy
a set of foundation classes for database engines
Qvu Data Service is an ad-hoc query, reporting and api data service
free DB GUI Tool
Applications for data management
eXist-db is a feature rich Open Source native XML database
MySQL Proxy using Java NIO based on Sharding SQL, Calcite
Database file mapping names to records, implementing a file-system
Management of table tennis umpires, referees, and their assigments.
Heap organised database service (Java library)