Financial program
A Database System for Metamodeling and Method Engineering
Tool for managing a kendo tournament
Database file mapping names to records, implementing a file-system
Selectively enable features in software which may be objectionable
With aguacate you get a better taste
Fast comparer for database data in the key predefined tables
Helping teachers around the world to create unique tests per student.
a set of foundation classes for database engines
Qvu Data Service is an ad-hoc query, reporting and api data service
free DB GUI Tool
Applications for data management
Worderize is designed to make the language learning more effective.
Rel is a database management system (DBMS) that implements Tutorial D.
Search engine and data mining applications and ClueWeb datasets.
A bug tracking system in a wlan-, web- or rmi-environment
Monitor Java applications - SQL, HTTP, Methods, Exceptions and more.
A scalable, distributed time series database
elementary database files for Java, B+ tree index files, ISAM
Fast scalable time series database
Database ERD- design tool with Reverse Engineering