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An object relational-mapping (ORM) library for Java
Hibernate is an Object/Relational Mapper tool. It's very popular among Java applications and implements the Java Persistence API. Hibernate ORM enables developers to more easily write applications whose data outlives the application process. As an Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, Hibernate is concerned with data persistence as it applies to relational databases (via JDBC).
An Open Source "product catalogue" that is customizable and versatile.
The Chemicals Database is a simple yet effective approach to track a stock of products. It provides a "product catalogue" that is accessible from any workplace over Intranet (http) and the server can be operated "in the cloud".
Although this documentation deals in particular with a stock of chemicals in a laboratory, it can easily be adapted to any other "items" such as samples, spare parts, tools and other inventory.
The software does not rely on a proprietary "solution" but employs...
In the Oracle database there are two PL/SQL APIs to send mails: UTL_SMTP and UTL_MAIL. But there is no package which is able to retrieve messages from a mailbox on a server. The here provided package MAIL_CLIENT closes this gap.
Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.
Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.
OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
BSD Appliances that are pre-configured in Virtual Machines so that users who are not BSD savvy can download an use them. An example would be a web server running Apache, SSL, PHP, Ruby, Perl, SQL. All you have to do is download the virtual machine.
The project aims at providing a standard API for connecting to a MySQL DB server from a Cocoa application programmed in Objective C.
If this frameworks shows any use for you, please drop me a mail....
An advanced qmail distribution based on qmail-sql which has SMTP, SMTPS, POP3, POP3S, IMAP, IMAPS services, a content scanner, spoofing protections, SMTP AUTH support, SMTP-after-POP/IMAP, PHP5 API, SPF support and much more...
Xen Intranet is a series of intranet modules for the Ampoliros PHP applications server (
It has been incorporated inside Innomatic Platform as Innowork project; development and files have been moved here:
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
xSFA, "XtendedSpecial File Access" allows to place different files onto a web-server over a protected interface. Afterwards, a code will be generated and an e-mail with the code will be send. Only with this code a download is possible. PHP and MySQL.
MailDB adds a database back-end to an IMAP server for features such as "virtual" mail folders (msgs appearing in multiple folders), "view" folders (dynamic results of searches), etc. The DB is inherently multi-user, allowing msg reference counting.
MpLDAP is a tool for querying any LDAPv3 servers. In your intranet you may query your ADS/Exchange server. Configure base dn, filters, attributes etc. The result is sent to browser as HTML or as CSV-file. Languages: english, german, french.
Java-WebAdmin is a web-enabled tool that supports dynamic modules, Modules are developed independent from the framwork. Examples are File uploading/editing, server administration, e-mail practicly anything can be done!
ClanOffice is a planning tool for gaming clans, using a mysql server to store and share data. It includes a warplanner and calendar and uses simple built-in irc and mail clients to communicate to fellow gamers. A php websuite is allso available.
PhpServerMan is an administration interface to simplify the server administration process for both administrators and their clients. PhpServerMan configures web, FTP, and mail servers; DNS services; and the Apache web server to support SSL, CGI, and more
C-Arbre provides all the tools needed to publish categorized resources, documents, files, news articles and events in order to setup an Intranet or a web portal, plus some groupware and knowledge management functions (webmail, planning, contacts...)