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All pairs n-body simulation of electromagnetic forces on charged particles, adapted from Nvidia SDK 3.2 sample. Uses Lorentz force from EM fields via the Biot-Savart law for moving charged particles (uses relative velocity). Relativistic.
PyOSG is a python wrapper for the OpenSceneGraph. Version number corresponds to the version of OpenSceneGraph that PyOSG should work with (e.g. PyOSG 2.8 should work with OpenSceneGraph 2.8.x). Still in early stages, so email mday299 if any problems!
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
PIAF (Prototype Image Applications Fast) is a prototyping tool for helping development of image processing algorithms. Based on a Qt GUI, it can display and process several live video inputs or still images with a plugins based architecture.
Device Independent Virtual Environment - Reconfigurable, Scalable, Extensible. A platform, device, and display independent API for developing 3D virtual environment (VE) applications. DIVERSE is comprised of DTK, DPF, DGL, and DADS.
Quantum Mechanical Toolkit And 3D Viewer for C++. Allows Data Visualisation via Images, Surfaces and Volume plots using OpenGL, as well as rapid development Quantum Mechanical Simulations. Uses the Blitz++, VTK Visualisation and Qt Libraries.
Our goal is to create a library of GPS funtionality that helps application developers in writing high-level GPS applications by hiding device specifics. In a Second step we use this lib to create a GUI Application.
Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.
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OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
VIPS is an image processing suite designed for extremely large images and colorimetry. It consists of a powerful re-usable library and a graphical user interface.
VizStack is a framework to run GPU-enabled applications. You may set up tiled displays, and run popular applications on them. VizStack can convert nodes into a shared remote visualization farm. Individual GPUs can be allocated to users too.
Preparation of GPS routes and analysis of GPS logs in the context of outdoor sports (biking, skiing, trecking, gliding, geocaching, mountaineering). Our hope is to have a multi platform, multi GPS file and map format software.
A library including the whole bunch of standard algorithms in graph optimization and drawing. On top of this, a GUI for manipulating and editing of graphs.
equal III is an equation visualization tool. It's possible to graph f(x,y) = 0. So it is able to graph systems of equations and inequations, and do graphic change analysis.
GParticles is a tool to simulate the growth behaviour of two- and three-dimensional nano particles based on a simple grid model, with adjustable (time-dependent) concentrations of the particle's different components.
The SESAME (Simulation of Embedded System Architectures for Multilevel Exploration) software system is an embedded system co-simulation environment and research tool which implements the ideas of the SESAME project at the University of Amsterdam.
Project is intended to plot 2D colour maps using 3D data, set of X, Y, Z numbers in 3 columns of data file. The data are assumed scattered, experimental points. The Z coordinate coded as colour.
An exporter plug-in for Autodesk 3ds Max version 8 and 9, which writes proper .X mesh files with proper skinning, effect parameters, named animations, and multiple texture coordinate channels.
A Folding@Home integrated monitoring environment, designed for Linux, *nix systems and Windows, which is intended to be easy-to-use and provide a flexible, customiseable and "user-friendly" environment for reviewing the status of active F@H clients.
growler is a C++-based distributed object and event architecture.
Its primary application has been in support of interactive, distributed visualization, "concurrent visualization", and computational steering.