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Vivantio IT Service Management
Your service operation isn’t one-size-fits all, so your IT service management solution shouldn’t be either
The Vivantio Platform allows you to focus on the IT service management tools that make sense for your organization’s unique service model: from incident, problem and change requests, to service requests, client knowledge and asset management
Musical Notation System
Using a GUI with a built in text editor, one can create a score with the appropriate notations. All musical notations are then transformed into a graphical representation and can be exported into various formats (pdf, ps, eps).
MCDfit: A spectroscopic tool for Multiple Curve Deconvolution and fitting. It is a plotting program for analysis rather than presentation. It can be used for fitting Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) spectroscopy. It uses the Qt, Qwt, Qwtplot3d libraries
4-Dimensional Cell Simulator (4DiCeS) is a framework on hybrid (stochastic and deterministic) modeling and simulation of (whole) cell environments in 4D. The framework may incorporate any reaction and diffusion algorithms applicable in a 4D grid layout.
For companies of all sizes interested in a low-code and digital process automation platform
PMG is a low-code software platform that allows users to configure automation solutions and business applications to drive digital transformation initiatives. From streamlining business processes through automation, to integrating existing systems and filling in point solution functionality gaps, to delivering a collaborative workspace and unified user experience – PMG’s low-code platform does it all without coding. Business users as well as IT resources are empowered to configure, deploy, and maintain solutions that meet their company’s specific needs.
Erode is a comprehensive layer over ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) library which allow you to easily create ODE world and visualize them (through Qt widget). It also offers convenient functions to control the appearance, parameters etc.
Vizz is a open source library in C/C++ which makes distributed visualization using VTK a piece of cake. Vizz is a library developed over VTK for simple, uncomplicated VTK development in distributed (client/sever) environments.
Project is intended to plot 2D colour maps using 3D data, set of X, Y, Z numbers in 3 columns of data file. The data are assumed scattered, experimental points. The Z coordinate coded as colour.
VSMap3D is an OpenGL universe explorer for Vega Strike universes. So far it features: route planning, system/sector selection, faction ownership visualization
OpenManip is a library which provides manipulators and editors for 3d visualization based on scenegraphs. The library is inspired by the manipulators of OpenInventor and stays to the usage paradigme introduced with OpenInventor's manipulators.
We moved to
Perl-Programs to extract information (and visualize them with gnuplot) from data-files from the PZG Particle Sampler from "rr-elektronik" (see Linux/KDE-version, GUI written in QT or Gambas. Win32-ver:
Open Source Remote Sensing OSSIM project, pronounced "awesome", will leverage existing algorithms/tools/packages from the open source community in construction of the ultimate Remote Sensing/Image Processing/GIS package. osgPlanet extends OSSIM and Op
EcoMod is an OpenGL application for 3D modelling, simulation and visualization of ecosystems. Trees are modelled and used within simulation to render the emerging natural phenomena of spontaneous afforestation process. Multidisciplinary.
Volcast is a small, flexible and fast volume raycaster. Raycasting is done entirely on the GPU (nv6800+).
The featureset includes: pre-integration, real-time editing of transfer-function and support for 8/16Bit volumes.
Qt4 GUI for scientific data analysis and visualization using Matlab (tm) style syntax. Link together Qt projects and other C++ libraries in an integrated user interface. For more information, visit:
A cross-platform cellular automaton facility. Implements simulation and visualization of multi-dimensional cellural automatas locally or in distributed mode.
LSystemBuilder is a program for editing and visualizing L-systems. LSystemBuilder makes it easy to explore fractals, FASS-curves and complex branching structures. Naturally LSystemBuilder comes packed with loads of predefined L-systems.
Eirik is a tool for exploring large data sets, by using statistical analyses and multiple linked visualizations for data reduction. It relies on R, QT4 and OpenGL. Developed as part of AstroGrid/VOTech, Eirik uses Ice and xmlrpc for distributed computing.
Graph representation of the parapsychological (scientific) models and propositions. The graph will help to visualize the relation between the diferent hypothesis and estimates the level of confidence of a given hypothesis or model.
HRCS (Hospital romm control system) is a system for remote operator monitoring of hospital rooms.
HRCS supports serial or TCP/IP communication.
HRCS is based on the linux kernel and is the only one process running in the OS.