Showing 85 open source projects for "module"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1
    The NLopt module for Julia

    The NLopt module for Julia

    Package to call the NLopt nonlinear-optimization library from Julia

    This module provides a Julia-language interface to the free/open-source NLopt library for nonlinear optimization. NLopt provides a common interface for many different optimization algorithms.
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  • 2
    The PyPlot module for Julia

    The PyPlot module for Julia

    Plotting for Julia based on matplotlib.pyplot

    This module provides a Julia interface to the Matplotlib plotting library from Python, and specifically to the matplotlib.pyplot module. PyPlot uses the Julia PyCall package to call Matplotlib directly from Julia with little or no overhead (arrays are passed without making a copy). (See also PythonPlot.jl for a version of PyPlot.jl using the alternative PythonCall.jl package.) This package takes advantage of Julia's multimedia I/O API to display plots in any Julia graphical backend, including...
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  • 3


    Machine learning in Python

    scikit-learn is an open source Python module for machine learning built on NumPy, SciPy and matplotlib. It offers simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis and is reusable in various contexts.
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    Mie scattering of light by perfect spheres

    miepython is a pure Python module to calculate light scattering for non-absorbing, partially-absorbing, or perfectly-conducting spheres. Mie theory is used, following the procedure described by Wiscombe. This code has been validated against his results. This code provides functions for calculating the extinction efficiency, scattering efficiency, backscattering, and scattering asymmetry. Moreover, a set of angles can be given to calculate the scattering for a sphere at each of those angles.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 5


    Navigable waveform built on Web Audio and Canvas

    wavesurfer.js is a customizable audio waveform visualization, built on top of Web Audio API and HTML5 Canvas. With wavesurfer.js you can create anything from an HTML5 audio player to a sophisticated DJ application. wavesurfer.js works only in modern browsers supporting Web Audio. It will fallback to Audio Element without graphics in other browsers (IE 11 and lower). You can also try wavesurfer.swf which is a Flash-based fallback. The audio will start playing as you press play. A thin line...
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    Go Recipes

    Go Recipes

    Collection of handy tools for Go projects

    Visualize the distribution of code coverage in your project. This helps to identify code areas with high and low coverage. Useful when you have a large project with lots of files and packages. This 2D image-hash of your project should be more representative than a single number. For each module, the node representing the greatest version (i.e., the version chosen by Go's minimal version selection algorithm) is colored green. Other nodes, which aren't in the final build list, are colored grey...
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    Open Source Laravel Admin Panel

    LaraAdmin is a multi-purpose, open source Laravel Admin Panel / CMS that can be used to build an Admin Backend, Data Management Tool or CRM boilerplate for Laravel. It offers a complete set of utilities and features, including Advanced CRUD Generation, Module Manager, Schema Manager, Backups and Workflows. LaraAdmin controls your Models, Data and their Role Permissions without touching any code at all, saving you time and effort and allowing you to focus on Data representation rather than Data...
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    Digital Earth Australia notebooks

    Digital Earth Australia notebooks

    Repository for Digital Earth Australia Jupyter Notebooks

    The knowledge hub brings together information about Digital Earth Australia’s products and services, allowing you to utilize our free and open-source satellite imagery archive. Browse our catalog of data products to find supporting information and ways to access the data. The Digital Earth Australia notebooks and tools repository (dea-notebooks) hosts Jupyter Notebooks, Python scripts and workflows for analyzing Digital Earth Australia (DEA) satellite data and derived products. This...
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  • 9


    Functions generated at runtime without world-age issues or overhead

    RuntimeGeneratedFunctions are functions generated at runtime without world-age issues and with the full performance of a standard Julia anonymous function. This builds functions in a way that avoids eval. For technical reasons, RuntimeGeneratedFunctions needs to cache the function expression in a global variable within some module. This is normally transparent to the user, but if the RuntimeGeneratedFunction is evaluated during module precompilation, the cache module must be explicitly set...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10


    Package for parsing command-line arguments to Julia programs

    ArgParse.jl is a package for parsing command-line arguments to Julia programs.
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    Julia enhancement proposal (Julep) for implicit per file module

    This package exports a macro @from, which can be used to import objects from files. The hope is that you will never have to write include again. FromFile is a Julia Language package. To install FromFile, please open Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press ] key in the REPL to use the package mode.
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    Show Julia profiling data in an explorable HTML page

    This module formats the output from Julia's Profile module into an html rendering of the source function lines and functions, allowing for interactive exploration of any bottlenecks that may exist in your code.
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    Julia module for reading MATLAB files

    Julia module for reading MATLAB files. Read and write MATLAB files in Julia. This library can read MATLAB .mat files, both in the older v4/v5/v6/v7 format, as well as the newer v7.3 format.
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    Framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models

    Welcome to Clapeyron! This module provides both a large library of thermodynamic models and a framework for one to easily implement their own models. Clapeyron provides a framework for the development and use of fluid-thermodynamic models, including SAFT, cubic, activity, multi-parameter, and COSMO-SAC.
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  • 15


    Computer vision models for Flux

    Metalhead.jl provides standard machine learning vision models for use with Flux.jl. The architectures in this package make use of pure Flux layers, and they represent the best practices for creating modules like residual blocks, inception blocks, etc. in Flux. Metalhead also provides some building blocks for more complex models in the Layers module.
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  • 16


    Your best CLI generator in JuliaLang

    Roger's magic book for command line interfaces.
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    3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface

    3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK). PyVista is a helper module for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) that takes a different approach on interfacing with VTK through NumPy and direct array access. This package provides a Pythonic, well-documented interface exposing VTK’s powerful visualization backend to facilitate rapid prototyping, analysis, and visual integration of spatially referenced datasets. This module can be used...
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    Probabilistic Circuits from the Juice library

    This module provides a Julia implementation of Probabilistic Circuits (PCs), tools to learn structure and parameters of PCs from data, and tools to do tractable exact inference with them. Probabilistic Circuits provides a unifying framework for several family of tractable probabilistic models. PCs are represented as computational graphs that define a joint probability distribution as recursive mixtures (sum units) and factorizations (product units) of simpler distributions (input units). Given...
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    Pure-Julia multidimensional h-adaptive integration

    The HCubature module is a pure-Julia implementation of multidimensional "h-adaptive" integration. then hcubature(f, a, b) computes the integral, adaptively subdividing the integration volume into smaller and smaller pieces until convergence is achieved to the desired tolerance (specified by optional rtol and atol keyword arguments. Because hcubature is written purely in Julia, the integrand f(x) can return any vector-like object (technically, any type supporting +, -, * real, and norm: a Banach...
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    Tokenization for Julia source code

    Tokenize is a Julia package that serves a similar purpose and API as the tokenize module in Python but for Julia. This is to take a string or buffer containing Julia code, perform lexical analysis and return a stream of tokens.
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    Collection of fundamental physical constants with uncertainties

    PhysicalConstants.jl provides common physical constants. They are defined as instances of the new Constant type, which is a subtype of AbstractQuantity (from Unitful.jl package) and can also be turned into Measurement objects (from Measurements.jl package) at request. Constants are grouped into different submodules so that the user can choose different datasets as needed. Currently, 2014 and 2018 editions of CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants are provided.
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    A Julia framework for implementing FFTs

    A general framework for fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) in Julia. This package is mainly not intended to be used directly. Instead, developers of packages that implement FFTs (such as FFTW.jl or FastTransforms.jl) extend the types/functions defined in AbstractFFTs. This allows multiple FFT packages to co-exist with the same underlying fft(x) and plan_fft(x) interface.
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    Load and create NetCDF files in Julia

    NCDatasets allows one to read and create netCDF files. NetCDF data set and attribute list behave like Julia dictionaries and variables like Julia arrays. This package implements the CommonDataModel.jl interface, which means that the datasets can be accessed in the same way as GRIB files opened with GRIBDatasets.jl.
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    Tools for the exploration of chaos and nonlinear dynamics

    A Julia module that offers various tools for analyzing nonlinear dynamics and chaotic behavior. It can be used as a standalone package, or as part of DynamicalSystems.jl. All further information is provided in the documentation, which you can either find online or build locally by running the docs/make.jl file. ChaosTools.jl is the jack-of-all-trades package of the DynamicalSystems.jl library: methods that are not extensive enough to be a standalone package are added here. You should see...
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    C binding generator and Julia interface to libclang

    This package provides a Julia language wrapper for libclang: the stable, C-exported interface to the LLVM Clang compiler. The libclang API documentation provides background on the functionality available through libclang, and thus through the Julia wrapper. The repository also hosts related tools built on top of libclang functionality.
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