Pandas on AWS, easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, etc.
A reactive notebook for Python
High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia
An orchestration platform for the development, production
Making DAG construction easier
The toolkit to test, validate, and evaluate your models and surface
re_data - fix data issues before your users & CEO would discover them
Training data (data labeling, annotation, workflow) for all data types
Deep neural networks for density functional theory Hamiltonian
Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
Recap tracks and transform schemas across your whole application
Streaming reactive and dataflow graphs in Python
Scale your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code
Monitor the stability of a Pandas or Spark dataframe
Light-weight, flexible, expressive statistical data testing library
Synthetic data generators for structured and unstructured text
Data science on data without acquiring a copy
Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies
Scientific Visualisation Made Easy
Data Preprocessing Automation: A GUI for easy data cleaning & visualiz
Build dashboards in Jupyter Notebook with numeric and chart boxes
BertViz: Visualize Attention in NLP Models (BERT, GPT2, BART, etc.)
Simple user interface for gnuplot aimed for reflectometry data
StreamAlert is a serverless, realtime data analysis framework